The Return

I’m coming back to post.I realise its been a while,but so much has been going down since…well,a lot has happened.Like a few minutes back I saw this guy wearing a black mamba tee…I’m lookin and all i’m thinkin is WTF??Ofcourse its not as cool as the one on this page,but I suppose that’s open to debate.Because of that move,I’ve been forced to rethink the design…

Incidentally,I was actually tryina get the other tee made but kept runnin into all sorts of sh…of trouble.I went over to some place and this lady gets properly freaked out and is like “Black Ma…ha!I am not touching this,I can’t,I will Not…”(at this point I’m thinkin’ it lady!you had me at I am not touchin this…) “you need some written permission from these guys.
I’m understandably shocked,on top of dealng with the election menace the guys have to take time off their busy schedule to write some sort of permission chit?
Do they have headed paper?
I move on and I am sure any day now I’ll be walking outside Uganda House and have this lady scream out,”that’s the guy!Arrest him,he is the guy with the snazzy idea for Black Mamba tees!”
What happened to the love of money? Forget that,what happened to the whole being sensible thing?
These guys are not really called Black Mambas.Heck,when their kids are filling in the form,they do not list their dads’ occupations as Black Mamba. These are real people,much like you and me…okay that’s stretchin it,but I’m sure you understand what I’m saying…

Oh yeah,has anyone been here yet?


  1. Degstar January 25, 2006 at 1:02 pm

    i’m waiting on my T-shirt.

  2. Lovely Amphibian January 25, 2006 at 2:30 pm

    hi, Ivan. yeah, have been to hi5. seems like my peeps in Ug and i caught on late. from the look of things, guys have been on it for like ages.

    great post, Blacker Mamba

  3. Degstar February 2, 2006 at 3:17 pm


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