Apologies of a …

First off I’d like to state the obvious. I was not banned from the blogsphere. The government of this great country loves my work.Its the power company that has a problem with me, but that’s not really a big deal because we have since learnt that very few humans do infact run things at the dam.

I have also been studying for my examinations.I’d like to say they are my final exams, but that would be a blatant lie. If you have been to Makerere, you know that they do all they can to keep us there. They grow attcahed easily…the administration,not the ladies. This time round,I have been deemed worthy of continued tenure at the hill. I am almost tempted to attempt wit and say I am doing my Masters or I am Studying:Reloaded. I can’t bring myself to do that, because (on top of it being pretty weak humour…the kind Amarula Family might actually think is brilliant and write into their *cough cough* performances for years to come) Retakes are a bitch. There, I said it. I am stuck with a bloody retake because someone may or may not have handed in a coursework and the arrangement at Makerere is such that you have to do a retake if

  • You fail miserably
  • You have missing coursework results
  • You attempt to have a life
  • You make it clear that the only reason you are in class is the fact that your home is too far away when you leave the bar.

I have also been kept away from the net because of Computer Problems that have had me meet all sorts of experts that go through what contribution they have made that my PC may live to Die Another Day.
Standard conversations are in the vein of, “I opened your computer, looked at what lay before me and pulled out the thing that was probably messing it up and then i shut it. I then switched it on and proceeded to install some software that was corrupted and after doing that, i poured myself a glass of juice because I seemed to pick up something..i think your computer had a virus…”

At this point I am staring aghast at the apparent lack of humor that some of these techies have.

In other news I have also been to Steak Out on Thursday where I arrived at the conclusion that Rock Rocks…



  1. savage May 17, 2006 at 7:10 am

    Ok. fellas pay up.Dude has resurfaced.

  2. Iwaya May 17, 2006 at 12:40 pm

    will that be in dollars or shillings?

  3. savage May 17, 2006 at 5:14 pm

    Try Gold pieces. Gold is much more stable

  4. Iwaya May 17, 2006 at 6:52 pm

    kayungirizi, how much are they giving you?

  5. baz May 18, 2006 at 1:51 pm

    Laughing my fucking ass off.

  6. Degstar May 24, 2006 at 5:45 pm

    psst, i got some serious black dollars to offload, 2k to the dollar, otesa otya?

    good to have you back mate.

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