Big Brother Africa Week 2: Let me tell you a story…

Maureen opened up yet again! This week she discussed spirituality and her thing for being naked…all in the same breath! In a manner of speaking I suppose that’s the Garden of Eden syndrome. She found solace in Kwaku, who I think will nominate Justice.
This week brought a startling revelation from Meryl who observed that “The game is on!” Are you kidding me? Honestly Meryl, I thought the game was on the moment the doors were shut and people started drinking in excess.
This eye-opener came after Biggie (that’s my nickname for Big Brother, he doesn’t mind) announced that nominations for eviction would start at the end of this week. Then the twist came; one of the housemates would assume the role of Head of the House. A position that comes with one phenomenal perk; Immunity! Basically, if said head is up for eviction, he/she can deflect that and nominate someone else in his/her place. The head can also save a nominated housemate and replace them with someone he or she is not keen on. I can see this as a basis of many a “favor” later on. “Hey baby, you owe me, I saved you from the wrath of African voters…”
This week’s head was Ofunneka; the Nigerian with a Bible. This didn’t go down well with Lerato and Meryl. Lerato confused a few viewers when she complained that,” This is not Cuba, where you have to be dictated at.”. I guess this means she is not too keen on Nollywood. The sad bit is, despite loathing the head; they can’t get rid of her. This is probably what the leader of any opposition political party has to deal with all the time.
Botswana’s little explosive blew up! Justice was upset that Max mimics him when he is drunk. Personally I think this reveals the amount of talent Max has, given that most of the people I know can only mimic drunken people when they are drunk. Max on the other hand was upset that Justice slept with his shoes on. I suspect this is because deep down Max wants to put things in said shoes. This argument featured Code, but only briefly because, as many a viewer can attest, he doesn’t sleep with his shoes on or get aped…long story short,(ha-ha, short…as in Justice) he just isn’t relevant enough!
You may recall that some time last week, Biggie asked the housemates to paint the walls of the house with items they missed from their stash. This week in what is probably the most glaring sign that Biggie is not too creative, he asked them to paint yet again, over their masterpieces.
Biggie also asked the housemates to make up African stories, probably because it would be a little less intense than the true stories they told last week. Maureen anyone?
Justice and Tatiana seem to be getting along just great…and Meryl seems to be getting along just great with Tatiana as well. I also want to get along great with Tatiana. My money is on Tatiana and Meryl doing something before Tatiana and Justice or Tatiana and I. Then again, perhaps I’m short sighted, Justice may have many short comings but I don’t think this explosive will pass up an opportunity to detonate Tati.
As nominations go, I think Justice will be on the chopping block this week. He seems to have issues, so I wouldn’t be surprised. Of course Ofunekka may mess things up and throw in Lerato as a substitute assuming she is not the second housemate up for eviction.
Richard can’t be bothered to check out the ladies seeing as he dresses up as they do. He says the message he is trying to put across is people should be comfortable with themselves. Cross dressers of Africa UNITE!!!

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