I’m not sure anymore-more
Who is knocking at my door-door
All the faces that I know
You make them sunny and new
I don’t wanna say goodbye to you
So I’ll just say good night to you
My people, no goodbyes to you
I’m just gonna say good night
Goodnight (Graduation- Kanye West)
Flashing Lights and Homecoming, those are The Kanyes, at the moment. 🙂 Anything else is a footnote.
good night, good mornign. u owe me a date. or company. or a night out. or whatever
Cryptology is apt.
No idea what this is about, but I am just leaving my blogprints for just.
Good night
hmmmm…. nuff said
This had better not be a real goodbye…only good night…should we say fade to black?
flashing. lights. is the shit!!
Dont say that. Not yet anyway.
Say hi to those hot kyanas those ends where you be going to say goodnight.
So when’s the party dawg!
Goodbye, Goodnight, Whatever! Don’t they have the internet there where you are going? Naye you also just like scaring us. I am not scared!