Breaking (and entering) News!

A young woman identified only as Mama Deborah has stepped forward and added her two cents to the Gay Pastor saga. After it was revealed that Kayanja paid his alleged victim shs.2m, Deborah said she would have let him take her using whichever point of entry he desired and she would have charged less. “The thing is that man likes very classy things. Now you see, those classy things have costed (sic) him very dearly. If he had come to me, I would have been for discount and what’s more, me I would have kept my lips sealed.”
Asked why she has decided to come forward with this offer, she denies allegations that she is a prostitute looking to make a quick buck, “I am not a Malaya! I just like money a lot and I like sex! This news is an eye opener. I am not an opportunist, but rather, an entrepreneur. I saw an opening and I thought I could use it.”
A gentleman that was on the scene had this to say after her remarks, “That’s what he said!” When asked to explain in detail, he said that unlike the pastor, he did not want to get into these things. He proceeded to give a nearby onlooker a high-five and they laughed at what this reporter suspects is what is commonly referred to as a ‘private joke’.
Mama Deborah said she is using this forum as an attempt to let the good pastor know that she is keeping her door open.
The Pastor  could not be reached for comments, but a source close to him said he assumed that he may seize the opportunity to avoid the dock.
In other news, one of the other victims has withdrawn his accusation.
Reports suggest that he was informed that some high ranking members of the police task force are homosexuals as well and would leap at opportunity lest it presented itself.
Asked whether these allegations were true, an officer who spoke on condition of anonymity said, “I cannot get into that shit”.


  1. Carlo May 27, 2009 at 2:30 pm

    You need to be arrested for being idle and disorderly.

  2. Carsozy May 27, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    What would a man with a taste for reverse parking be willing to go forward with Mama Deborah? Wonder. and if a lowly policeman cant get into that shit how does a man of go………..

  3. jny23ug May 27, 2009 at 5:03 pm

    Lol at the two men at the scene.

  4. Chanel May 28, 2009 at 10:43 am

    So you are the people who write for Red Pepper

  5. Sleek June 1, 2009 at 7:34 pm

    eh chanel, id never seen that avatar this clearly….ehh!!(forgets his intarekcho comments, settles for something not quite)
    “I cannot get into that shit”…u daft daft guy

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