In your FACE(book)

Facebook, for those of you that have wandered into this century with no form of preparation whatsoever, is a social networking website. Did you pick up on the word social? Good. By its very nature, this means you interact with loads of people. from all walks of life…lawyers, teachers, refined anatomical sales associates and doctors… especially doctors.


I’m in the unenviable position of being friends with some of the doctors I have interacted with. Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s pretty neat to have doctors that you can actually call your friends. The problem is, you don’t have the benefit of telling those harmless lies anymore. You know the ones, “I have this friend… who got this er, boil in the middle of his er…body”


At this point, a visit to the doctor’s will probably go something like this;


-Hi doctor, I’m not feeling well…

– I can imagine, that was some crazy party you went to, eh?

-I don’t think I follow… I was home over the weekend…

-Nuh, man… don’t you remember, you were at this crib with the pool… with Shantey and that other girl… Your boy was trying to lick face..

-Oh, that… I had forgotten about that one…

– You forget way too soon, you only uploaded the pictures last night…

-What the…

-Don’t worry, doctor patient confidentiality… so anything you tell me is strictly between us… like say if you gave me Shantey’s number… I would be very professional about it… you know, you could suggest that she becomes my friend…

– Well, I don’t know her that well…

-Come on guy, you have 69 friends in common… but enough of that, what’s the problem?

– Well, I feel a little under the weather…

-Like your head’s got a truck trying to come out of it?


– And like everything you eat won’t get along with your insides and wants to leave? Using whatever exit is available?

-Yes doctor, how did you know…

– It’s your current status message


-Don’t worry about it, I reckon it’s a hangover… Ernest was right. Do you think he would let me friend him?


-You’re probably right, why don’t you like his status message and suggest that I like it too…

– Dude, that’s weird…

– No, weird is setting up a facebook page for antipop and then setting up multiple email accounts so you can comment..

– did you do that?

-_ Of course not… do you think I should…

– dude, focus… I’m sick.

-No, you are hangover. Just go home and rest some more. Now then…do you think it would be weird if I poked someone on Facebook.,, you know, before we meet for real?


  1. Safyre August 9, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    Poor doctor hasn’t got much of a social life. Why not send him your health status online, and only meet him for the actual medication? LOL!!!!

  2. Ashy August 11, 2010 at 9:36 pm

    Yes, sticking out tongues is cool 😀

  3. nev August 17, 2010 at 10:41 am

    Hahaha…dude, funniest post I have read today!! How are you meanwhile?

  4. nev August 17, 2010 at 10:42 am

    That Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,thing by the wa…

  5. Iwaya August 20, 2010 at 8:51 pm

    Dear Blogger,
    I would very much like to read the post in its entirety but the colour just won't let me and I can't squint for long without getting a piercing headache.

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