Note your typical Christmas Story

12th Dec. 2020 | 1515Hrs

I woke up this morning with this random idea, “What if we updated the nativity story to fit the times?”. As usually happens with these things, the idea evolved as the day progressed and I finally tightened it (I think) with the hope that maybe, just maybe, I might actually go ahead and have it produced as an animated vid like the pretty awesome (IMO) Mandela Story.

To give it that ‘tight’ vibe, it was important to streamline the narrative, cutting out as many characters as possible to scale back on the amount of work that would have to go into it.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty sure it can be blown wide open and told from different characters’ POVs, and you’ll see how as this keeps going.

As most stories do, this starts with a guy shooting his shot;

I imagine it’s all hanky dory and they keep sending each other shout outs on each others’ walls. They don’t overdo so as to make their friends nauseous or anything. This is a feel-good story, so more warm and fuzzies, less yucky-yuckies…

Of course, it’s kinda cool that sometimes they don’t really need to type out how they feel because Mark figured that bloke Ronan Keating knew what he was on about when he said, “You say it best when you say nothing at all” and did the society of Socialising Introverts a solid…

Oh, get this, Mary’s vowed to abstain until Joseph puts a ring on it, which doesn’t attract any sort of cynicism because she’s not waxing philosophical while posing in bikinis

Joseph’s friends are also not stressing him either seeing as carpenters, like the rest of us, are in a struggo and when you think of it, the whole thing is made a whole lot easier because social distancing has given abstinence legs like you wouldn’t believe.

All in all, life’s good, the two love each other something fierce.

One day, Mary’s chatting with her cousin Elizabeth on a generic chat application when suddenly…

Fortunately, he’s not a nutjob hellbent on sharing porn with the world. In fact, the last thing on his mind is sex…

Until it is.

Or the lack thereof… because he proceeds to tell Mary she’s going to have a baby.

Mary’s low-key freaked out because NO MASK! But also, she hasn’t done the sex!

So many questions, but no one to ask because everyone signs out at that moment. So she does what anyone in that situation would do…

Elsewhere, Joseph’s received a message of his own telling him he is going to be a father, which weirds him out significantly because he also hasn’t done the sex. He decides to just roll with it, because it’s been one hell of a year and at this point nothing should surprise him… or anyone for that matter.

He reacts in pretty much the same way anyone in that situation would…


Elsewhere, a Head of State doesn’t take too kindly to the news that an up and comer’s about to mess up the status quo… but that’s a story for another day.

To be continued…Maybe.





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