The COVID-19 Files: Day 1 After The Results


I tested positive for COVID-19 in June. It was pretty harrowing. I got through it, thanks to God and I don’t take it lightly. I am double vaxxed too. The new variant doesn’t need visas to get into countries, evidently, and it made it to Uganda…. to me. I won’t let this put me down, and I hope by sharing what I’m going through, someone may find the encouragement I so badly needed in June.  Stay safe.


I still feel mostly okay. I’m careful about saying I’m 100% lest I jinx things or that’s the ‘code’ the virus is waiting for to spring some crazy shit on me.

I haven’t bothered with the pulse oximeter I bought because it seems to be down with its own problems, delivering different (and scary results) when the mood hits it.

The fact that I have to wear a mask around the house once in a while is a little annoying and because NO ONE will get the Bane references when I do them, the whole thing is a waste.

It IS heartbreaking when the two-year-old asks whether we’re going to the beach or whatever place strikes his fancy at a given time because for every, “no, we’re not going there”, I silently add ‘for at least two weeks.’

Thus far I haven’t had to contend with the whole, “But you’re vaxxed” statement, which does get tiring to address after a while – the ministry or some public body needs to be detailed about the communication going out with the requests to get the jab – “Listen, you may still get COVID, but it shouldn’t be so bad as to necessitate admission in a medical facility”.

On the subject of meds, the supplements I’d long abandoned have welcomed me back with open arms – a stark contrast to the throat’s attitude towards them.

Neither here nor there, but a brief discussion about how I seem to have built a tolerance for nasal swabs just made me realise my olfactory glands may be ready for the hazards of trips abroad.



I’ve hit my quota of “Wear a mask” PSAs.

I also just realized that I haven’t had a thing to eat except spicy groundnuts. That can’t be healthy AT ALL. There’s also some confusion over why I need to clear my throat all of a sudden – is it the groundnuts, is it the COVIDEX, is it the mint drops, is it the virus rearing its spiky ugly head?

We’ll never know… do viruses have heads? If they are mostly one, erm, thing, can they rear that?

So many philosophical questions – a possible drawback to having to spend so much time indoors.

The fruit I ordered has been delivered, I’ll just stare at it until it develops a complex and turns itself into juice. Google says it’s advisable to lay off sugar during the convalescence period and for the first time I won’t argue with the search engine’s results – despite a history of filling me with dread and doing nothing for my hypochondria. A search result states, “Sugar consumption in particular has been shown to affect COVID-19 mortality by contributing to the chronic inflammatory state.”

Well, shit.



Took a shower because, reasons and I must say, it’s nice to know I still have my sense of smell. Even if it means I can smell this new Geisha variant – am I the only one who thinks this smells like the soap we use to wash clothes? And I don’t mean that in a nice way.

The bar soap that almost hardly gets any ads made about it. None of that, “mmm, you smell fresh, what do you wash your clothes with?” jazz – just a see-through wrapper and spot color logo slapped on it for good measure – which doesn’t make sense because on most shopping lists it’s not identified by the name the focus group thought would mask its behaviour.

Off to prepare myself some tea. Pretty certain I can have a little bit of sugar in that, surely. I just have to scale back on my usual amount.

I can already see myself overcompensating after this mess.

I took some lemonade and it wasn’t too bitter. Likely due to the sugar. Crap. I’m going to have to make up for this. I’ll probably skip sugar in the tea. Honey too.

If I pull this off, I’ll become one of those people who share stories about how they suddenly dropped ‘undesirable habits’ as they stare at you with judgement behind their glasses.



The new Matrix movie dropped today. I really don’t expect it to top the first, but if it can make it so that Revolutions never existed, that’s enough. Of course I’ll have to stay awake through it all for it to make sense. If I fall asleep halfway, I won’t know whether it’s sudden fatigue brought on by malaise or the movie’s inability to keep me engaged.

My fitness tracker’s oximeter overzealously declared my saturation levels to be at 100%. Poor thing will do anything to make sure I don’t ditch it if/when I finally get that smartwatch.  Speaking of levels, still feel okay.

I AM NOT doing that proning stuff tonight…scratch that, I will only do it WHEN it’s necessary. I tried to do it proactively and it left me feeling some type of way.

Bad. The way was bad.


  1. Irene December 23, 2021 at 12:31 am

    Amacroni gandikwesonyiye ago.

  2. Lorac December 23, 2021 at 4:09 am

    I stay on that lemonade everyday but I add coffee and tumeric (mbu it cuts stomach fat) Sugar plus mangada for sweetness… Everyday…hihihi

    These Pandemic kids don’t get it Bambi. They have surely missed out on ALOT!!!!!

    Get well Soon Writes….

    Get well soon Writes….

  3. Nsibirwa December 23, 2021 at 6:57 am


  4. Jaya Jethwa December 23, 2021 at 7:34 am

    Great read!

  5. Cynthia December 23, 2021 at 11:21 am

    This was pretty funny. You’ll get through it, just stick to the measures. When COVID was in my household I had to wear two masks around the house for weeks. We went through sanitiser jugs like they were water. This is not to scare you, just to show you that it’s possible to come out the other end (barely) sane. And don’t lean into the hypochondria, it’s a slippery slope 😂. Keep yourself engaged and get well soon!

  6. Francis N December 23, 2021 at 2:44 pm

    Nice read

  7. YMKB December 23, 2021 at 8:35 pm

    Hilarious read. More power Ivan! More Power!!!

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