For I….

Began work at my new place of work and I

For some reason don’t quite feel it, but I

Figure I need to stay the course and try

To weather the storm and stay the course, until I

Can figure out what else to do. Not gonna be easy coz I

Seem to have picked up some negative disposition which I

Can’t seem to let go of, but depression is a thing that I

Have no reason to suffer from seeing as I

Could be in so dire a situation that I

Wouldn’t be able to get out of so bad yet I

Realize that there are loads of distractions that help us see past the grey

Here’s to my distraction(s)


  1. The 27th Comrade July 3, 2007 at 3:18 pm

    I and I will give you a big op, man.
    Good noises about the job, there. 😀
    And you rhyme. Sun is shining, man. Sun is shining.

  2. magoola July 3, 2007 at 11:38 pm

    I suspect this is more to this.
    Dude can you like throw more light on this?

  3. country boyi July 4, 2007 at 4:38 pm

    congs man! u gotta love that job & u’ll remain steadfast even if waves roll
    and o yeah this is well crafted

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