…so there was this costume party, right…

If there’s anything I have learnt from the whole “plan-my-party” thing, its that I hadn’t considered one small thing. If I had, the whole thing would have read, “Plan & Host My Party for me while I sit back and have a blast.” What happened was this, I played the part of headless chicken with loads of gusto and zeal… and passion and dedication.
Come to think of it, I have also learnt that there are in fact some people in this wonderful country of ours that is ready for the CHOGM thing, that understand what bringing a bottle is all about. There is also a small portion of said people that know what costume wearing is all about… some to a “hole” new degree.
In my defense, I was a handy man called April not so much because I am THAT creative…or into that sort of thing… the truth is I discovered the name on the overall waaaay after I’d worn it. If you have attempted to wear an overall you can attest to that small fact, it takes a heck-load of time putting it on that when you’re done the last thing on your mind is reading what’s written on it. So,yes, I’d have worn it even if it read “Antichrist” or worse still, “Bebe Kool”.
Dante gets points (come on you guys, you musta seen THIS coming…) for his cunning plan. To the untrained eye, he was wearing a black outfit…. But, upon closer inspection he was a styled up grim reaper…nay, Johnny Cash… What works here is the fact that he can wear this “costume” anywhere and get away with it.
Dee’s outfit was… Hole-y…and solicited a similar reaction when it presented itself clinging on for dear life to her body. Speaking of Holy…
Baz’s Reverend Pimp Bizzle Managed to be at the end of many a joke…. My favourite came in from “the boda boda rider” who lamented thus, “As if its not enough that they are taking little boys, now they are taking the hot chics!”
The upcoming local artiste… aka Cassidy… aka Harry Potter loses points for being confusing, but he earns them back for the simple reason that he sounded nothing like a local artiste and we were all grateful that he didn’t try to sing.
The Catholic School Girl just earns them …JUST!!
The fairy put a spell on many of us and I’m sure you may have read about her on some other blog.
Sharon Stone gets points because we are eternally grateful that she looks nothing like her namesake; the actress once revered for crossing her legs…or not.
The Beggar showed that in as much as we are loath to admit it, they too can bring sexy back…
Now that we’re done with the lengthy intro… here are the pics… not all of ‘em… I had to sieve through 99 pix to get here…
This picture was taken by one of the people in the photo…it annoys me that people
with such a skill-set will be the death of professional photographers.
Those are real holes on that dress…
The photo was taken badly, the hazy look and feel is NOT brought on by weed smoke
Veering Vainly, the vanguard vastly values virility voting vehemently vis way..go figure
After insisting that a picture be taken with me, I’m left in the margin… not that the rest of me would imply i was any more sober than this half does…
Dee spent a large chunk of the party trying to place her tongue ring wherever anyone lent her an ear…
BACK then photos like this were generally a good thing
The hem-line on Dee’s skirt has a fear of heights!!
“I couldn’t help noticing this ma’am… you have a “floater” in your drink”
Those ARE fumes coming out of my non-alcoholic beverage
At the end of his drink, this guy developed the confidence he needed to expound on his theory of relativiti-ness
It soon became obvoius that if he was going to have any considerable success this night, he’d have to get a make-over
Guess who’s not in costume…
It was the alcohol that renedred this image colourless… then again, going by some people’s costumes, no big difference…
Trying the time honored ritual of looking cool by association
If you do it just right, a tongue ring will mysteriously appear
In an attempt to draw attention away from her dress, Dee resorted to hurling tongue-ring at passersby
Next to her, he was just a blur…
This is a fairy…This is a Catholic School Girl…This is why they’re hot…
One of the unknown things about the punch was its ability to impose BrainFreeze
The slow version of the infamous “lean back” dance makes a shortlived comeback
There’s a lot of “foot” action here…
Thanks a lot to all that came that pitched ideas… catch you in THE SEQUEL


  1. petesmama October 22, 2007 at 12:33 pm

    I landed in someone’s mix as he was being advised to grab firsties. So I thought, why not… now to read the post

  2. Baz October 22, 2007 at 2:03 pm

    Where is the guy who took my keys?

  3. Ivan October 22, 2007 at 2:18 pm

    erm, Baz, about that… I took them coz I thought they were mine…

  4. The 27th Comrade October 23, 2007 at 5:02 am

    Yesu Kristo Omunazaleesi!!!
    This was definitely off-a de ‘ook.
    Shoulda been there. I’ll host my own do this week. Revenge do. Almost alone. With only one cute chic instead of all those. But she is a superset of all those and then some. 😉

  5. Joshi October 23, 2007 at 9:43 am

    Bambi 27th..thats console…
    Ivan will the sequel feature sage?

  6. Tandra October 23, 2007 at 11:53 am

    LOL @ joshi

  7. Ivan October 23, 2007 at 1:33 pm

    @Joshi: Dude, I do not dictate what my guests come as, man!

  8. Lesi Lesi October 23, 2007 at 2:57 pm

    Is that the triple distilled “dare you” drink you? were holding… the one with fumes coming out of it? I can see it was about to give you a TKO!!
    Once again … happy birthday!!!

  9. Iwaya October 24, 2007 at 8:25 am

    “I went from ashy to nasty to classy!” I see the blogren headed into some kind of movement! I wonder why the CHOGM fellas do not think of using the blogren as an example of finding out what is going on in the country. 😕

  10. heaven! October 24, 2007 at 12:18 pm

    the other pics are not opening!as if missing the party was not enough misery!

  11. duksey October 25, 2007 at 3:59 pm

    Wow!this looks awesome, great fun you had there.So where are the other other other pics? hmmm you know the ones taken much later in the night after the alcohol was down….

  12. duksey October 25, 2007 at 4:06 pm

    I have learnt my lesson for being kinda busy lately…

  13. eddslah October 26, 2007 at 1:59 pm

    dude, those birds are yo friends right?, can i be yo friend?

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