A Break, Commercial in Nature…

Dear All
I had heard something about it, but now it is clear – the Ugandan Bloggers’ Happy Hour won the 1st Prize in the MS Democracy Film Competion.
What I really like about the judges’ argumentation is that they appriaciated a ‘different’ image of Africa, compared to the usual. Not because of the film’s technical quality, but because the story is fantastic: it shows an Africa which also has strong and competent people. Moreover they add that the film is made (I can personally guarentee you that) and cut with humour – a humour which is an essential part of Africa in spite of all its trouble.
Well, I knew it was gonna win 🙂 I think you all did an excellent job, on both sides of the camera and that it was fun and a real pleasure to take part in. Anyone up for a similar thing in Tanzania, let me know!
Do also notice this: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Africanloft/~3/180567158/
Best Regards Pernille


  1. Carlo November 9, 2007 at 1:03 pm

    Firsties y’all!!
    Who didn’t know it was gonna win. We’re good actors aren’t we? Being ourselves is a job on its own. So, now that the film won, when do we get paid? 😉

  2. Joshi November 9, 2007 at 4:03 pm

    WOW!!!This is why we hot…this is why we hot..I’m glad people are starting to realise that there is more to africa than malnourished kids with flies in their eyes feeding them with mucus from their noses!!

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