The COVID-19 Files: Day 2

The Morning

Nothing dramatic to report.

I’ve checked my oxygen saturation using three devices, and it looks good. My BPM was low, though, sending me to Dr. Google – I didn’t find anything meaningful there. I would have probably got something more meaningful if I’d typed anything but “low BPM, COVID.”

Breakfast was basic. The last time I was dealing with the ‘Vid, some unsolicited literature put together by a popular wellness doctor made its way to my whatsapp and aggravated an already miserable situation with dos and don’ts. Eggs are wrong, so is bread… actually, sugar too, oh and milk… Debilitating HUNGER is the way to go.

I gave some Mullein leaf tea a shot following a recommendation from my mother not too long ago. The YouTube video she shared had a lady talking up its benefits to the respiratory system, so I figured, why not? offers, “mullein tea works by reducing inflammation, thereby helping relax the muscles in your respiratory tract (5, 6). The flowers and leaves of the plant are also used to treat other respiratory ailments, such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and pneumonia”. So, this reads like a win, right?

I have no regrets about not Googling “bitter leaf” benefits the last time round… or whatever additional combinations I sampled then, and there were a lot! Pineapple and cayenne peppers? Check. Halotherapy by way of steaming? Check. Plant with blue flowers by day and nothing by the time sun sets? Check.

Come to think of it, that was the longest broccoli consumption stretch I’ve gone through to-date. Thanks, sis.

I also got round to finishing The Matrix: Resurrections today. The less said about that, the better. I do need to hydrate though; science says that’s important.

The mineral water bottle has that pose you strike when someone places ice on your neck for some reason…

Maybe if I should add a few mint drops….



Looks like rain.

A couple of hours in, and it’s so clearly a false alarm. The only thing in the air is Palasso’s birthday song. Over and over. I don’t mind the song, but it’s so clearly the kind of thing you consume in small doses – goes for just about every birthday song. Hell, singing “Happy birthday” every time I washed my hands took its toll, and THAT had a life or death use case scenario.

Ah, relief. The neighbour is playing Fik Fameika’s ode to TIkTok. I’m hoping the lack of variety can be traced to slow download speeds getting in the way of the other tracks coming in.

I was wrong. We are back to the birthday song. How many people are celebrating their hatch days today? Next door?

Swallowed my supplements, yay me.

I seem to be developing a most indecisive headache – the sort that seems unsure of itself and can’t figure out whether it should be full-blown or just a gentle reminder that it exists. I’ve dispatched a pair of Tylenol pills on a fact-finding mission that might result in peace talks depending on this thing’s intentions.

In all honesty, it might be the result of staring at a laptop screen for hours on end without glasses.


The music from ‘out there’ continues playing. I get it’s probably because of the holiday, but COVID, guys! Also, mix it up a little. I’d prefer to be semi-riled instead of all the way pissed, but if I can’t get any win at all, then we see where this is going.

I can’t get through to the area ‘fixer’ to have the situation looked into, and yet again, I find myself wondering why the thieves they allege reside in this area haven’t thought to help themselves to sound systems.

My BPM seems to have gone up a couple of notches, so I suppose I can close that tab on my browser…I think I caught a tingly sensation in my arm a short while ago.


I found that document I mentioned earlier and it suggests that the ideal intake of VIT C is 2grams. This is probably a great time to point out the best way to hit this target is NOT by getting those wee Vitamin C tablets you used to take for the common cold. Sure, you CAN choose to go that route and pop them like snacks, but it gets old really fast.


The music went on for a bit, the tingles, not so much.

I wouldn’t mind some ice-cream, but I don’t think that would be wise. I’ll settle for some tea and cake. There’s juice in the fridge, but cold things are a no-no. Is there a law against microwaving butunda?


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