Chapter IV: The Continuation

In a security office somewhere in Bethlehem

“Sign up! They said! It will be a great way to channel your aggression! A lot of good that did me!”
“I know what you mean Brother Nathaniel, why just the other day I was asked to deal with an 818. Can you believe that? After all that training, I am reduced to dealing with shepherds. And then they are let off with not guilty on grounds of insanity. Turns out they were “following a star”. There’s been a lot of that astro fascination going around lately. Just the other day Jupiter and Venus were so close to the moon, it looked like a smile.”
“A smile? What foolishness is that you speak of Herman?”
“You know, when you turn your er, frown upside down. Like this. Any way, point is, my brother says that sort of thing will never happen again. Not even in 2008 years!”
“That is oddly specific”
“Tell me about it. Then get this. He says there will be a bright star that will herald the birth of the Mess…”
The intercom on the desk cackles to life!
“Code IV! Repeat! Code IV! Security!! Come to reception now. Hey, I love these upside down ‘i’ thingies. Do you think they will catch on in the future? Is this thing still on?”
Nathaniel looks at Herman. A gleam of excitement in his eyes, “ A code IV! Do you know what that means? I can barely contain myself!”
“By the roman gods that we suspect are pagan! A code IV is unprecendented. We are not equipped to deal with this sort of thing. This could change the very fabric of history itself. And yet, someone must take care of things. Quick! To the hotel!”
As they make haste, our heroes are derailed by three odd looking characters with crowns on their heads. They look suspiciously like kings.

“We ARE kings!” Says one.
“Hang on. Brother Nathaniel. Did this gentleman just cut into the narrative of the tale? Can we do that?”
“ I don’t know Brother Herman. These kings of the Orient possess a certain mysticism that is enigmatic in nature. I know not whether we want to deal with this now. But wait! What’s in the bags?”
“Er, gifts?”
“ I thought as much. Very well, on your way!”
“But Nathaniel, are you not being lenient?”
“ My dear Herman, what would you have me do? Write them a parking ticket? Those things have not even been invented and for the life of me, I don’t know where I pulled that phrase out of!”
Minutes later at the Hotel
“Right what seems to be the problem? I just found out that Usher is in town and we must deal with this ASAP”
“It’s a Code IV!”
“ So you say, but we don’t see…By the unborn God! Is that lady pregnant! And is that what I think it is in the bag! This Code IV is unlike any other. It’s a sequel!”
“Yes. An evacuation order is in. er, order! Right this way madam, sir!”
“Really Joseph, you chose a fine time not to ask for directions!”
“Calm down Mary. I have faith. Something good will happen!”
The couple is promptly shown the door.
“What is that?”
“It appears to be a door type thing. Do you think we should open it and walk through?”
“Seems to be the only way this story will move on”
And so it comes to pass, they walk through and seek accommodation on the other side of this ‘door’ thing.

A couple of houses later. “Yeah. Okay look its not you, it’s me. I have no problem giving you guys accommodation, but this whole credit crunch thing has kinda thrown me off!”
Joseph and Mary look at each other. Inquires Joseph of Mary, “you think this is foreshadowing something in the not so distant future?”
Says the inn keeper, “Nonsense! This crunch thing can not, will NOT happen ever again, not even in 2008 years! But to show you I mean you no ill will. I will let you spend the night out back. I have a good feeling about you!”
“Thank you kind sir! May the lord shower blessings upon you!”
“er, yes. Now come, let me show you your quarters before those census people come back and do a recount. Where do they think we are? Florida?”
The Manger
“Well, I guess I’ve seen worse…”
“Really! What have you seen that could possibly be worse than this?”
“Remember that African edition of MTV Cribs?”
“Oh, oh. Joseph…”
“What is it Mary? What’s wrong?”
“Joseph. It is time. I think ….”


“So I sez to Billy Ray, you better give that daughter of yours some food.other wise she gonna grow up all skinny like!”
“I know what you mean Frenchie! He always seems to give Priscilla meager portions!Dang! Do you hear that? In the distance…. It sounds like…”

Another Elsewhere

“Chad Wiseman! I notice your contraption is blinking like a little star twinkling up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky. How I wonder what it is! What says it?”
“Yes Chuck. It doth glimmer! Gentlemen. The moment is upon us…”

in yet another elsewhere


  1. 31337 December 5, 2008 at 9:02 am

    where have i been?

  2. 31337 December 5, 2008 at 9:42 am

    this is some brilliant writing my friend.
    weed is, contrary to often polarist opinion, bad for you.

  3. Alesi December 5, 2008 at 9:48 am

    Hey, I love these upside down ‘i’ thingies… Some times i wonder whether you are a genius or an idle mind, Ai! Actually, i am still wondering.
    Christmas is here in other words! May those kings come avisiting at your place of abode! Just remember the saying … beware of Greeks bearing gifts! I know, i know… these be Oriental… just wanted to use the expression 😆
    Seems there is some loss of sanity once you visit this blog… and it seems to be catching!

  4. Emi's December 5, 2008 at 9:48 am

    lol, you guys have my ribs hurting…You and Baz.
    I’ll take theses socks to help with the pain

  5. Alesi December 5, 2008 at 9:50 am

    @ Emi’s, you will not get those socks! Not even in 2008 years!

  6. Nevender December 5, 2008 at 9:53 am

    Nice continuation…and coming so nicely too.

  7. Alesi December 5, 2008 at 10:15 am

    So what was in the bag to warrant a Code IV!?

  8. the antipop December 5, 2008 at 11:14 am

    hmmm aha! the way you guys have spun us and we are still reading! i have haha. meanwhile have i told you, that your blog is the first thing i read when i got to work this morning? Yours first, then Baz’s and then trampcard. this is ofcourse unacceptable! the normal order is trampcard, newyork times bla bla bla

  9. Lionel December 5, 2008 at 11:41 am

    I am still reading….seriously….lol!!!

  10. Miss Cheri December 5, 2008 at 1:45 pm

    BUT lol…u guys are killing!!!
    I hope the Vatican don’t land on this because they will spoil our fun.

  11. lulu December 5, 2008 at 6:03 pm

    nigger please1 i died on that one in the other post coz its a killer comment for me from white chicks… you guys, you and baz are loony

  12. Erique December 5, 2008 at 6:26 pm

    I believe you owe me a serious rib operation.

  13. Mudamuli December 8, 2008 at 1:12 pm

    Only you can think of the Usher, the credit crunch and the Florida recount in 4BC. Hilarious this is.

  14. Mudamuli December 8, 2008 at 1:14 pm

    *Usher not the Usher

  15. Baz December 8, 2008 at 4:07 pm

    I notice that you didn’t tell us what was in the bag…

  16. Apr9 December 9, 2008 at 7:32 am

    “ My dear Herman, what would you have me do? Write them a parking ticket? Those things have not even been invented and for the life of me, I don’t know where I pulled that phrase out of!”
    Nice read

  17. Ugandan girl December 9, 2008 at 11:42 am

    I dont know how i got here but i like…oh yah…from antipop’s…i really like…i will definatly be back…

  18. Minty December 9, 2008 at 6:30 pm

    This is too much. More more.

  19. lulu December 12, 2008 at 8:05 pm

    okay usher in bethlehem then thoses i’s inverted…then crediti crunch! i have split sides ! hahahaha, let me see on the other side what baz has to say

  20. Erique December 14, 2008 at 5:31 am

    Dude, will you post the continuation already? Ugh, shash! Don’t even try with that sick alibi!

  21. sibbie December 18, 2008 at 5:06 pm

    Lol! First time around here and am in stitches! I’ll be back for more . . . Very interesting read! 😀

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