Where Big Brother is kinda "happy"

This is Big Brother, Munya, please report to the diary room. I repeat, Munya, please report to the diary room, er, pretty please with a cherry on top.

Munya: Hi Big Brother, what’s happening

Oh, I don’t know, what’s up with you?

Munya: Er, well, the task is a bit of a bitch really, nuh’mean? But we are trying

Big Brother doesn’t want to know about the others, Big Brother wants to know what’s going on in your life. Like, you know, what’s up with you and Tawana?

Munya: She’s just a friend. She tells great stories. Bedtime stories from old women with short hair make me horny Big Brother

Big Brother wants to feel you, er, feels for you. So, are you, you know, into older chics and stuff, or is it just Tawana

Munya: Nuh dawg, I just felt her then. When I went to Finland, I was with a younger gal, man!


Munya: I’m sorry?

Big Brother said thanks. Big Brother appreciates your openness. Big Brother would like to know what you think of Big Brother

Munya: Well that third person shit is a tad annoying

GET. OUT! Seriously? Big Brother apologises. It won’t happen again. Are you happy?

Munya: A bit

Would Munya like a foot massage or something. It’s really no trouble. Big Brother likes Munya

Munya: Nuh, biggie, I’m cool.

No, really, Big Brother like totally LIKES Munya. Does Munya want Big Brother to tell him a bedtime story…did I mention that big brother has no hair?

Munya: Hehe, Biggie, you got jokes, haha.

That’s not all that Big Brother’s got…and Big Brother wasn’t joking… you have hurt Big Big Brother’s feelings…you bitch!

Munya: Damn, bro, calm down

Leave the diary room! And call Ricco, no, I’ll do it myself. Don’t do me any favours!

<<<Munya leaves the diary room>>>

*sniff, sniff* This is BIG BROTHER… Ricco *sniff* report to the diary room!

Ricco: Hey Big Brother

Hey Ricco, how’re you doin? Biggie noticed you started wearing a shirt around the house.

Ricco: Well, er. Once in a while. Biggie. Were viewers complaining? Hehehe

Big Brother wants Ricco to know that its okay for him to walk around without his shirt on. It’s a free country and whatever

Ricco: Thanks Big Brother

Call me Richard.

Ricco: Er, okay… Richard.

Big Brother also wants Ricco to know there’s absolutely nothing wrong with walking around with no pants on… Big Brother winks at Ricco

Ricco: Uhm, why is Biggie winkin


Ricco: Why is Richard winking at me?

Coz, you know, we like mates and stuff. You must be really lonely seeing as all your girls have been taken. Is Ricco lonely?

Ricco: Well, you get used to it, you know wha’ mean?

Surely you want someone to, like, sleep with and stuff. Big Brother gets lonely too. Big Brother feels your pain. Big Brother is pained.

Ricco: I’m fine Big… Richard, really.

Big Brother admires your courage in the face of loneliness and would like to reward you. But Big Brother is still sad. If Ricco will make Big Brother happy, big Brother will make Ricco happy.

Ricco: Oh yeah, now you’re talking, are you sending in a stripper?

No, you big silly… go to the glass house and welcome you newest housemate

<<<Ricco goes to the glass house where he meets the newest housemate>>>

Hi Ricco, how about you lock those doors and make Big Brother happy…


This post wasn’t really necessary, but I owe someone a post so…

Consider us even:evil:


  1. the antipop October 29, 2008 at 4:28 am

    gay socks!
    gwe big brother is gay? you are going straight to hell ivan

  2. Mr. B2B October 29, 2008 at 5:32 am

    those socks are kinda suspect

  3. Darlkom October 29, 2008 at 5:36 am

    You can’t be sane in the membrane.

  4. petesmama October 29, 2008 at 6:09 am

    Errr… I’ll let the two of them in the third person get a room.

  5. Solomon King October 29, 2008 at 7:45 am

    err…. I think the pink was enough to tell me what the drama is all about.
    Me n big brother don’t connect, so I’ll just leave digital footprints all over here and pass by.

  6. Dante October 29, 2008 at 12:57 pm

    must have a grain for a brain

  7. the antipop October 29, 2008 at 1:35 pm

    @B2B, I got these socks fair and square. it is so sad that the likes of Mbabazi and Muwhezi are tainting our(ugandans) otherwise blemishless reputation. now nepotism and corruption is being insinuated here…i am not very happy about this. I came to work at 6:30 am so as to nab all sockses in place but this is how i am being repaid? by being branded a conspirator?
    did that work? too much defense you think?

  8. Mister E. Bazanye October 29, 2008 at 2:31 pm

    Time to deploy the smileys. Do your thing boys… 😈 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

  9. Mudamuli October 29, 2008 at 3:06 pm

    Very scary, this Big Brother guy. 😈

  10. Carlo October 29, 2008 at 3:40 pm

    You’re gay too. You sniff them out. Your friends I mean. Yes, you Ivan.

  11. Ivan October 29, 2008 at 5:31 pm

    It scares me no end knowing that I may have a gayer post than the other guy. I might have to pull this thing down

  12. eddsla October 30, 2008 at 10:37 am

    Oh my God, ivan is gay!

  13. Walkonby October 30, 2008 at 12:02 pm

    i just lost my appetite, and to think I was just about to have a double-deck chicken burger…urgh

  14. Ivan October 30, 2008 at 12:19 pm

    No, Eddsla, Big Brother is.
    Walkonby, It feels me with such joy knowing that I didn’t starve by myself.

  15. Dante October 31, 2008 at 7:50 am

    people. Big Brother is gay! NOT Ivan. man Ivan ur readers dont zig. I think ur next post should be about ur escapades

  16. Miss Cheri October 31, 2008 at 12:46 pm

    Takes a gay man to know a gay Biggie. I don’t follow Biggie but this was/is FUNNY!!! Ivan…when are u starting your own Comedy Central tour?
    I could be your tour manager. We could get a huge tour bus with all those rooms. We could punch heroin and coke then some meth. We could smoke weed and drink JD laced with crack. We could swallow XTC to treat our headaches.
    Just telling how it’s done. 👿 😆 :mrgreen: 😈 😎 💡

  17. antipop October 31, 2008 at 12:52 pm

    no wonder you always sound happy i.e gay cheri!

  18. Miss Cheri October 31, 2008 at 2:09 pm

    Anitpop, I just hear this is wat happens. Britney said.

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