What's going on. . .

I was asked to write an article concerning sex addiction. I’ve been told it will run eventually, but as of now, one of the higher ups is not too keen. Her reason? There’s a lot of stuff concerning sex in it.
I write for the Kawa section in Sunday Vision. Anyone that has read it will tell you it’s light, lay back and kick off your shoes type stuff. I don’t mind not being famous like say this guy , but someone somewhere figured that a security conference and exhibition was right up my alley. Why am I making a big deal out of this… well…

  • I cover leisure pieces and under circumstances beyond my control, relationship stuff
  • The area of the paper I write for is, strictly, laid back leisure piece oriented

So, yeah, I can’t see why someone thinks I would like to look at padlocks and laser technology. I love gadgetry, sure, but come on…


  1. Ashy October 30, 2009 at 4:34 pm

    …afterall my input?! tsk tsk… 😀

  2. Sleek November 3, 2009 at 11:28 pm

    so let’s read the article….

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