Are you Happy…you know, at this hour?

Does anybody know it’s BHH*.
I realise that this will likely scamper off to Facebook and impose itself on the masses as a note and I apologise for that, but I really can’t go and change the settings right now. Too much work and all that.
*BHH is Blogger Happy Hour. A one of a kind, once a month event that sees bloggers converge at a bar in the middle of Kampala and engage in intellectual discourse. Topics covered during previous BHH gatherings include Darlyne’s camera, Dante’s Iphone, Bahati’s bill, The President’s Finger, Rappers, Brown Summers, Monsoon Visitors, The Wrath of the ‘Pop and talking Basicx.
It has been attended by several bloggers, sometimes all at once, at times, in intervals. It has also featured it’s fair share of well-wishers (*cough* gatecrashers). Notable attendees appear on the list over at
There is always something to learn at these gatherings, one blogger remarked in earnest, “Man. I will never do those Happy Hour Cocktails.”
It’s an opportunity to hang out or get hang over!
Initiated in the last decade, BHH has mutated into a Pizza Happy Hour, An Effendys Happy Hour and the very elusive animal, “MEGA-BHH”.


  1. nevender January 28, 2010 at 8:47 pm

    Won’t be there this time, maybe next month but i hope you guys have fun…

  2. petesmama February 1, 2010 at 3:03 pm

    Ah yes, the elusive MEGA-BHH. Someday, maybe.

  3. Sleek February 24, 2010 at 4:11 am

    BHH tomorrow…

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