about me

The Write Stuff

I dabble a bit (say 70% of the time I’m awake) in this whole strategic communication thing. It’s a little like trying to make your way through downtown Kampala on a boda-boda, in the rain – challenging, but oddly refreshing.

I’ve dipped my toes into both internal and external communications, developing art and copy that’s, well, not too shabby.

I might have worn a few hats along the way – some managerial. You know, keeping an eye on various brands in different sectors and team members in different rooms – not unlike being the conductor of a symphony or a traffic cop directing the flow of boda-boda riders, except the instruments are words, images, and channels, and the riders are hella talented individuals.

I’m really just a regular guy with a penchant for playing with words and making things happen – one line at a time.