the blog.

Random Instance(s) Of Thought

My internet is a bitch. Keeps going down on me at the worst times. It gets so bad, I wonder why I even bother with the ISP, maybe I should just pull out. In other news, I finally got some Kenny Rogers music! I know this will probably sound odd, but I was so pleased…

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I’m tired! I’m not going to bitch and whine seeing as our office accounts guy discovered I have a blog and a facebook account, but shit, when kenny latimore said he knew that there would be days like this, he had no idea that my life would be a case study on(here it comes) the…

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An Innocent Michael Jackson Post

It just occurred to me that while I was not a hardcore fan, I am moved somewhat by the entity that is (or was, if you believe he really is dead) Michael Jackson. See, there was a point in my life where I was in awe of the backslide and the gravity defying lean.  The…

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Breaking (and entering) News!

A young woman identified only as Mama Deborah has stepped forward and added her two cents to the Gay Pastor saga. After it was revealed that Kayanja paid his alleged victim shs.2m, Deborah said she would have let him take her using whichever point of entry he desired and she would have charged less. “The…

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My stomach hurts. Not in that way that has me hunched over begging the Lord to take what little life is left in me, but it doth hurt quite a bit. Contrary to what you may have been led to believe from my posts regarding visits to various medical practitioners, I hate drugs. Given the…

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Random Instance Of Thought

I use Boda Bodas regularly. What can I say; they are a convenient way of getting around. So anyway, about two weeks ago I was heading to Nakawa and I was accosted by one of them Boda-Riders. As is the tradition, I had a figure etched in my mind, a price ceiling if you will….

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Of Swine & Men

This was published May 17th 2009 in the Sunday Vision One of the great things about us as Ugandans is our determination to succeed. We will do just about anything to catch up with the ‘developed’ world, and with good reason too. It’s the only way anyone will take us seriously. We are not trendsetters…

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