the blog.

Welcome to Uganda II: We have music

The newspapers have this section they keep publishing wherein they tell you how you can achieve a celebrity’s look for less. They also have a column titled ‘How To Be’, where the writer tells you, well, how you can be someone or something depending on the writer’s mood. It is these sections that have inspired…

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Welcome To Uganda.

Welcome to Uganda. It’s a tiny little country in the Eastern bit of Africa. Almost everyone that comes here falls in love with the place. To date, the only person that is not too crazy about this place is John Amos. Remember him? He is the dude that starred in Roots as Kunta Kinte. It…

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Graduated Tasks

Hey, I’m really sorry I haven’t been around for a bit. There was a wedding I was actively involved in (planning, not marrying), then I had to sort out my Graduation. Yeah, that’s right, I graduated! A day after Barry Hussein got inaugurated. Both of us got congratulated. Any more of this rhyming and I’ma…

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New Year Thoughts

I promised myself I wouldn’t milk the whole “Happy New Year” message for its worth, but yesterday I found myself telling someone I hadn’t seen him since last year. He thought it was funny. I hated myself for it. It is, in my opinion, in the same place with “Happy Christmas, Merry New Year”…the 70’s….

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Dear God

It’s been a while since we spoke. Well, yeah, sure, you and I, we talk. I mean spoke heart to heart, me baring my all, opening up my soul. I don’t know why it’s taken me so long, and I… I won’t make any excuses. I… just want to say I know I’ve been a…

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a commercial break. Native’s Nativity Story

A story is told of a time long ago, when a carpenter and his wife brought to the fold, a young one that was to be the savior, the Messiah, if you will. The stories is eons old, but sadly that is not the story you are about to behold. A few months before December…

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Chapter VI: The Orientals Cometh

In a palace, not too far away, there was trouble a foot. A king was pissed as only a pissed king can be “Your Majesty, you should reconsider. This killing of kings thing is getting played out. Why don’t you kill a pauper or something? Heck, I could order a nice Ugandan boda boda rider.How…

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