the blog.

Random Instance Of Thought _ soccer!

It’s come to this; I am going to find a soccer team to support. Everyone seems to be into soccer. I tried to console someone over her team’s loss saying, “You need to remember, that stuff doesn’t happen in real life.” The silly team went on to equalize in the 95th minute, but now we…

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4 whatever. . .

4 JOBS I HAVE WORKED 1. Presenter. . .on two different radio stations 2. Freelance Writer for three publications 3. Freelance Graphic Designer 4. Pseudo-network administrator 4 MOVIES I WOULD WATCH OVER AND OVER 1. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 2.Sin City 3. The Matrix 4. The Usual Suspects 4 PLACES I HAVE LIVED (COUNTRIES) 1….

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Of drunken watchmen

Mine is the tale of a drunken watchman, you see, One that comes to work whenever he’s free, Reeking of booze, Drunk as heck, Drunk as can be, Drunk as a skunk, ‘Tis the story of he,

What Tha Funk?!

“I giggle outside the booth, but ain’t no joke inside” Bubba Sparxxx (Ugly) Ever had one of those days where everything just isn’t going well? Stuff won’t work right? Like whatever you do, whatever happens, you keep coming up against a wall. And then when you try to back up a little, there’s another wall?…

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The Combined Harvest

It’s been a while. I’d love to say I’ve been very busy. That life has been hectic and as such I have failed to do what I love doing, but that would be a lie. I’ve been lazy mostly. I’ve also done my fair share of procrastinating. However, life being what it is, you can…

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The Light at The End

There’s a bright flash. Well, it would be pretty ridiculous if it was any other kind of flash, but this thing hurts my eyes. I don’t know where I am for a minute, and then, suddenly, I do.  

APPEAL: Please Return The Red Pepper's Calendars!

The word for today is NIBIRU…not to be confused with Mubiru, which may or may not have been my lecturer’s name back at the university. Come to think of it. It wasn’t my lecturer’s name. He was called Kapere. Pretty funny guy, he just didn’t know it. . .or if he did he didn’t care….

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Russian Roulette

I’ve always envisioned life as some sort of game. The winners as is the case in any game are the guys that come out on top and make no attempt to show that they’ve gotten there. These are the guys with the flashy cars and houses with seventy seven rooms. There are also those that…

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because I got tagged. . .

The thing about getting tagged is that it robs me of my “mystery”. Think about it. When I sit down and try to conversate with you, you will know me inside out and if I try to lie, you will call me out on my fib. Generally speaking you can read me like a blog…

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