the blog.

A New Year, A week later

You’ve probably had the “happy new year” greeting more times than you care to remember so I’ll spare you. As it stands there’s very little to be happy about. Our cousins across the border are going through the after effects of an election gone wrong. Its what we keep hoping won’t happen to us. We’ve…

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'twas the last day of the year…

This is my year end post, it goes a little something like this… I have learnt this year that live and let live is the way to go. I believe that half the fun in making New Year’s Resolutions (here on referred to simply as NYRs) lies in the knowledge that you probably won’t live…

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A Certain Interruptus; A Detective's Narrative

I feel the inside of my mouth go dry as the shock sets in. I think I might have dropped the “f”-bomb in my shock. Not that it matters, I mean, you barge into a room and the last thing you expect to find is the quarry you’d surely dealt with earlier. It’s a room…

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Yesterday, I was just like you. Pretty much. I thought that girl was cute, thought she had a wonderful smile, that her smile lit up the room that she took my breath away. That there were endless possibilities, if I could just gather the nerves and tell her… but it’s too late. Too late to…

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more random than a ugandan cop's uniform

My boss sent an email around telling us how we can detect and avoid Ebola. Its kinda touching to know he cares. Its also nice to know that he knows that Ebola is in town… so is Kevin Lyttle, but more on that later. What makes it so reassuring is the fact that I can…

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Thy Will Be Done

Forgive me father for I have sinned, I have sinned against you and my fellow man. I took a life and quite possibly have set the wheels in motion for another to be taken. By association, Father, I have taken two lives. I know it would be asking too much seeking forgiveness, but you are…

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The Naked Truth…Albert's Story

My name’s Albert and my honesty will be the death of me. Then again, my name is not really important, but the fact remains, honesty is a bitch and she is out to get me. That is, if the pounding in my head doesn’t finish me off first… or whatever is on the other side…

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i did not sign up for this; a detective’s story

I glance at my phone with disgust. If someone said these things were the best thing to happen to the digital world, they would improve our lives… Someone lied. All it’s been doing lately is causing me grief. Like now, for instance. It’s not like I wanted to do this shit in the first place….

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