the blog.

The week that's been…

My job is awesome! I realize that claim could easily earn me some nasty-ass comment for no reason. Could have been worse, I could put up pictures. I am finally going to the field. I have been, for the longest time, bitching about how everyone else has “fun” and gets to go out to the…

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Big Brother Africa Week 6: Eviction to the MAX!

Last week I was kidding. I mean, who actually thought Moli was leaving the house, right? To believe that would mean that I misjudged Africa. That I assumed that we, as a continent were drawn to lewd behaviour. Excited by adultery and such. Yet, we are all moral. There is hope for us yet. The…

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To whom it may concern…

Dear Person at the Power Company, I’ve wanted to write you for a while now, but I couldn’t. Its not that words fail me or nothing, words are my friends. It’s not even that, whilst trying to contemplate just how you manage to wake up and **** up the day for the rest of us,…

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Previously in this life…

I have been down with malaria. I also believe I am in massive need of detox. Discuss. You know how someone can look at you and go like, “You look sick, is it malaria?” and you’re thinking, “huh?!” coz you’re feeling sawa, then within the next couple of hours you develop a proper bout of…

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I’ve seen how it ends, Its not pretty. Matter of fact Its messed up, Its quite shitty, But forget the end, The last day Shelf the thoughts negative, Leave the depression at bay, Look back to a time past, When life was good and the food fast. Let’s go to a back-then, Full of days…

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heard the one about the Happy Ugandans?

The better paper reported in its Sunday edition that Ugandans are happy. I don’t even want to imagine what inspired the story… you know what, fukkit, lemme… Anon. : Why are you smiling? Anon 2: I’m smiling coz I’m glad… Anon.: Glad…as in happy? Who the hell do you think you are, going around being…

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Big Brother Africa Week 4: Justice is Served

Justice was served!! And now the recap begins properly. This week had the housemates dress up in 70’s garb and don accents from I don’t know where. It was amusing at first, but it slowly started to lose its novelty. My emotions turned swiftly from ” I will not bat an eyelid lest I miss…

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