the blog.

Stories Untold: The One About Jimmy

Jimmy was the kind of person you’d call ordinary. An ordinary guy forced by circumstances to do extraordinary things. He was not an Adonis on any levels, but he didn’t need to be. He had no feelings of self doubt. He was content. Until he saw her. She was the reason people tried a little…

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Like some sort of ability

I’ve been chatting with a pal…its this thing you do where you sit back and watch as a window seemingly materializes on your screen and words appear. Your hands receive a message from the brain. They respond and they proceed to hack away at the keyboard until the letters come together in a union that…

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A state of contemplative repose : The Text

Dennis is jealous. I am not. . .and yet, its a better place to be. For right now, I am confused. A little. Some things you just can’t explain. Like taxi park incidents. Take for instance, those times you are in your taxi, minding your business and this dude tries to break the window so…

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Its just wAtEr!

First off I’d like to point one simple fact. I HATE DRINKING WATER!I honestly think that stuff has a taste. And that taste is NOT.NICE! I don’t look down on people that drink it. And I certainly have no problem with fish doing their thing in it. I just can’t stand it. And yet, this…

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The 70's Called, They Want All Their Hair Back

Hi, I’m (name). It’s a little useless keeping my name out of it, but anyway… I’ve taken to growing hair, mine. No fields being watered or any of that. The hair sits up their without a care in the world. Everything is fine until someone approaches me and asks me to justify the whole hair…

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Boda-Line Crazy

cRick HERE! First, head here to better acquaint yourself with the term BODA. No, wait; your connection might be as pathetic as mine, so I’ll tell ya. Boda-Boda; A motorbike…or the crazy dude that rides the said bike. Yes, they have come to accept that ours will never be a long-term-relationship so names will play…

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Two cents, anyone?

Dunno about you guys, but I have had it up to here with Kampala night spots. I’m “proper” tired of all these teenagers dressed like they came from some new G-Unit video…with no fashion consultant…I mean, seriously people, I should not be able to see my reflection in / on the surface of those jeans….

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Some Sort Of Beginning

They called it a miracle. That no one could have survived an accident of that magnitude. The religious said God was watching out for him, that He loved him. He didn’t buy any of it. For one thing, he knew it wasn’t an accident. He could still see her soulless eyes looking back from the…

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