the blog.

Post Lockdown Post

During the inevitable reunion scene in the movie 12 years a Slave (no, it’s not that kind of story), Solomon Northup stands there, choking on emotion and thrusts the feels dagger into the viewer, “I apologize for my appearance,” he begins, “but I have had a difficult time these past several years.” Many, many years…

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The Lockdown – Part the second

Day something or other. I’m not sure what to call this part of the lockdown. I’m teetering between ‘the remix’ and ‘the end credit scene’, but one suggests the first lockdown was such a hit, we had to have a little ‘sumn’ added to it while the other presupposes that we sat through the first,…

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Up next – Part 02

A lot of people ask me how much the work environment is going to change in the new normal… well, I figure a lot of people would ask me if they were not social distancing and trying to use their phone credit sparingly.  Here’s what I imagine…. While we are not too crazy about working…

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Up next – Part 01

In case the name wasn’t a dead giveaway, I’m a Ugandan. And if there’s anything we are good at, it’s predicting the future. Some have taken this and turned profits while others are comfy with receiving acclaim. Me? Well, I’m not charismatic or anything and I can’t rock a two-piece suit. So I’ll give my…

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This is the first in what I hope will be several posts calling on people to exercise caution during these strange times. The theme for this batch is “Superheroes”.

Behind The Bars | A Short

Remember, Them waiting behind the bars Music filling the air, You wondering…. “Who’s behind the bars?” You ordering, “shots, pints, tots” Them gladly obliging, Serving with a smile, From behind the bar, You taking in the environment, Them scanning and planning, Others watching the behinds in bars, His smile failing to hide thoughts, Hers giving…

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Could be me. Could be you.

The words hang up there – floating…waiting. The person for whom they are meant goes about her duties unbothered, someone else has must take them in and ponder. ‘Someone’ does and looks around, a little perplexed. Is hand sanitizer sufficient, can you count on the honor system, will someone really step forward and declare that…

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Previously in Calgary…

Dear Diary,I haven’t been here in a bit and there’s a great explanation for that – recounting events on a day to day basis is not sustainable. I’m not sure anyone’s life is that interesting, to be honest. To be fair, even protagonists in religious texts had gaps here and there in their stories. So,…

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Giddy Up

Calgary, AB06.07.2019 Hi Diary,There was very little in the way of movement on day 2 owing to the fact that it rained. You’ve known me long enough to understand that rain brings everything to a standstill. Apart from sleep… and copulation. There’s a reason Toto’s lyric, “I bless the rains down in Africa” strikes a…

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