the blog.

The Return

I’m coming back to post.I realise its been a while,but so much has been going down since…well,a lot has happened.Like a few minutes back I saw this guy wearing a black mamba tee…I’m lookin and all i’m thinkin is WTF??Ofcourse its not as cool as the one on this page,but I suppose that’s open to…

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Year Ender

Its another of those long articles (bye Carlo) but it made it to the Sunday Monitor and it was a full page (welcome back)…I will get back to proper writing in a bit. It’s the first day of 2006, and you’re probably in bed wondering what you were thinking when you made those resolutions. There’s…

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Get It While Its Hot

In conjunction with other parties that decline to be mentioned I am giving you the opportunity to have this.A limited edition Black Mamba Tee.Why is it Limited in its edition?Because no one else in their right mind would be caught selling this. So why am I doing this? The need for money has smoothly guided…

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All I Want For Christmas…

As I write this,Christmas songs are blaring around town,a presenter has made the observation that (s)he has played the first Christmas Track this year (Big deal in some parts,I suppose) and some optimistic people are waiting for presents.Its a nice thing,optimism.It makes you blind to lots of stuff.I’m obviously not going to get what I…

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Part…The End

The ride home is pretty uneventful, save for that brief stop that Cedric makes to pick up a snack from a roadside vendor. I suppose you may wonder what would posses anyone to do something as retarded as that. This, as you can imagine is not something that can be explained with just the one…

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Part Four

The office is not unlike any other manager’s office. It welcomes you with a certain aura, an aura that will later have you claim that you entered with a certain sense of foreboding. It is with that sense of foreboding that Cedric enters the office. The manager is the picture of sinister. To complete the…

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You would half expect him to trip and fall in a most gratuitously painful way. He doesn’t. He actually makes it to his cubicle in one piece. Well, as close to one piece as he can manage on this most unfortunate of mornings. He consoles himself with the knowledge that in here, in his little…

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Part Two

Its not 6 anymore… You would expect that this sort of thing would faze our hapless hero. It doesn’t. He toys around with the idea of calling in sick and then stops in his tracks. It occurs to him he has used up his “sick quota”. Usually as a result of binge drinking. Never as…

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Part One

It starts at 6:30am.It’s not usually the time he gets up, but the things that happened during the course of the night have greatly impacted his sleeping habits. The most prominent event during the course of his slumber was the unannounced visit of the mosquito brigade. No, not brigade. More like a choir. Brigades seem…

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