Calgary, AB06.07.2019 Hi Diary,There was very little in the way of movement on day 2 owing to the fact that it rained. You’ve known me long enough to understand that rain brings everything to a standstill. Apart from sleep… and copulation. There’s a reason Toto’s lyric, “I bless the rains down in Africa” strikes a…
the blog.
Hello World…Again.
Calgary, AB04.07.2019 AD Dear Diary, It bothers me that I have not posted anything on my blog in while, but I may have figured out a way to jump start things – using diary entries. I’m not sure I’ve done this before, but the logic here (if I can so liberally use the word) is…
The Beginners Guide to Grasshoppers
It’s that time of the year again. Your usual roadside traffic is going to be interrupted by the addition of something more sinister and less filling than the typical chapati/rolex, somersaulting chicken or chewy meat hybrid that purports to be from a form of livestock but is easily the lovechild of PK/Big G and oil…
Note a massage story with a happy ending
This story starts with aches and pains. All over. These can be attributed to tossing and turning through the night, but I don’t know for sure that’s what happened. You see, since I read somewhere (one of those stupid Google results you MUST never open when you’re sick) that it’s safer to sleep on one…
Brave New World Part 6 | Austin, Texas: Making Meats End
“Don’t mess with Texas”. I’m not sure where I heard that, or who said it, but there’s something about the line that just sticks with you. No other state/country/locale invites you in a threatening manner. Heck, even France that would be perfect with the “F” word doesn’t let you in with a “don’t fiddle with…
Brave New World Part 5 | Austin, Texas: REUNITED
Here’s the thing. Ugandans are more willing to look the other way than most people. You can put this down to our friendly demeanor or our desire to make a quick buck… In any case, if it’s the money thing, it kind of makes it easy to smile and drop a hint, “isn’t there ANYTHING…
Brave New World Part 04 | Robbinsville, New Jersey
When is jet lag not jet lag? This is not a self-existential inquest. For a couple of hours (say about 72-96 give or take) this really bugged me. I hadn’t bothered reading up on jet lag initially because;
Brave New World Part 03 | NYC – NJ
You know what’s misleading? Bloody New York City weather in November. As I was approaching the airport exit, the sunlight came streaming through. Naturally, this would suggest warmth, heat, not cold… you get the idea. New York’s weather didn’t.
Brave New World Part 02 | Abu Dhabi – JFK
It’s possible that, up until this point, the biggest airport I’d encountered was OR Thambo in South Africa. Abu Dhabi wasn’t as straightforward to get around- I put this down to its size. It’s also probable that I’m just crap at finding my way around places, but I will not be the guy that fuels…
Brave New World Part 01 | UG – ABU DHABI
“You sure you still want to come?”. My cousin’s message stared up at me from the cellphone I’d placed next to my suitcase. As I continued my last minute packing, an angel and devil on shoulder exchange was in full swing. “Dude, you paid twice for a visa. Do you really want to back out…