
Big Brother Africa

The End Is Nigh…

Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty; we are free at last. The yoke of Big Brother will drop. No more shall we miss class and meals for want of entertainment from the part of Africa southern. No more brothers’ big, no more squirrels Angolan. No more Nigerian Women of virtues questionable… wait…

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Big Brother Africa 2: The End is at Hand

Jessica Alba is without a doubt the hottest being on earth. The rest are mere mortals. What? I have a life outside Big Brother and it features pretty hot Hollywood vixens unobtainable in nature… oh, Jessica. And now we return to our regularly scheduled programming… The Moles are in the house, but wait. Did anyone…

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Big Brother Africa Week 11: When will this END?!

Kwaku is no more. His tenure as a BBA Housemate has ceased to be. It’s expired and he has gone to meet his countrymen. He is a former Housemate. Bereft of South African accommodation. His entertainment value is now of interest only to historians! He is an ex-housemate! Maureen revealed this week that she sees…

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Big Brother Africa Week 10: Now Showing; BBTV

Bertha is out! I hope you lot are pleased with yourselves. Would it have been too much to vote the Faux-Akon out? I mean, dude’s got fewer letters in his name that would have been a shorter text to send. Really, Africa! The above rant brought to you in part, by RAGE! That hot stuff…

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Big Brother Africa Week 9: Rise of the OTHERS

The Cow of the South is out of the pen. She had her party, said our girl has the personality of a spatula and then probably made her bed wet again…Lerato’s bed, not Maureen’s. That would have just been weird. What isn’t weird are Bertha and Kwaku’s nominations. How else would that have played out?…

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Big Brother Africa Week 7: The one with no eviction!

If I had my way, these are some of the headlines you’d see: Double Loss Mazongoto! First the dime, then the dame! Max-imum Loss. Okay, here’s the article now…I just love how things played out last week, don’t you? Max’s eviction was facilitated by pretty much the whole continent. The only people that didn’t want…

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Big Brother Africa Week 6: Eviction to the MAX!

Last week I was kidding. I mean, who actually thought Moli was leaving the house, right? To believe that would mean that I misjudged Africa. That I assumed that we, as a continent were drawn to lewd behaviour. Excited by adultery and such. Yet, we are all moral. There is hope for us yet. The…

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Big Brother Africa Week 4: Justice is Served

Justice was served!! And now the recap begins properly. This week had the housemates dress up in 70’s garb and don accents from I don’t know where. It was amusing at first, but it slowly started to lose its novelty. My emotions turned swiftly from ” I will not bat an eyelid lest I miss…

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