
Generally. . .

The Cough Chronicles | Part 1

I’ve had a cough for a while. Given the amount of time it’s been with me, it should either start paying rent or, at the very least, we should strongly consider slapping our names on it and enrolling it in school. Before writing this, there was nothing to suggest that the silly thing had plans…

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My first (and only?) foot scrub

Time check: 4-ish “I am here for the ‘full’ treatment,” I declare after dousing my hand in sanitiser and walking over to the reception. At this point, I don’t know what that entails and I’m pretty sure I sound like Bane because of the mask. The lady behind the counter has been waiting her whole…

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Note A Minute Too Soon

Time check: 5pm I’ve been staring at my watch like I expect it to entice me with a strip tease of sorts. The seconds barely moving, outpaced only by my anxiety. I need to leave the office. I glance outside, squinting at the clouds as though to say, “don’t you dare!”. It’s been rainy these…

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LUCY | “The Not Really” Review

Lucy, in a nutshell, is a movie about a young woman (portrayed here by Scarlett Johansson with the worst nail polish job captured on the silver screen) going to college somewhere in Asia, who gets suckered in to being a mule by a guy she’s only been dating for a week (it was the first…

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A 'taxi-turvy' tale

I appreciate convenience as much as the next guy. Really. For some reason, I think this has factored heavily on my reliance on boda bodas over your regular run of the mill-striped can of sardines that the transport sector now and then tries to pass off as a legit form of transportation.

With love,your Hangover

I’m not one to speak. My usual approach is to just sit there and be talked about or, depending on how I feel at a particular time, have death threats sent my way. Don’t feel bad on my account, these threats never amount to anything and I stick around for quite a bit. Your friends…

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The New Place. The Clinic

You’d think moving to a new place would mean a fresh start. See, my lifestyle may have been upgraded somewhat, but my immunity’s still a bitch. How was your Christmas Day?  I got off to a decent enough start. You know, the sporadic load-shedding that suggests someone at the power company is sending you signals…

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The new place. Month 01

Finally experienced loadshedding Ntinda style. That’s right, I’m still calling my area Ntinda. I have been told it’s actually called Kigowa, but my mind won’t process the word. Understandable really, you don’t want to be jumping into a cab after hanging out and slurring that you are going to Kigoowa. It sounds like a haven…

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The new place. Week 01

Done with the first week at the new place. How was it? Well. . . My housemate has not been in since I got there. I think he was picked up and taken to the home for crazy people. I thought it might have been a business trip, but let’s be honest, which business trips…

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of primary importance

You may not believe this, but I went to Primary School once. I think it’s what people on the other side of the ocean call Elementary School, but, moving on. I went to primary school and I too had the privilege of sitting for my Primary Leaving Examinations…and, as it is now, my generation of…

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