
Generally. . .

Random Instance(s) Of Thought

My internet is a bitch. Keeps going down on me at the worst times. It gets so bad, I wonder why I even bother with the ISP, maybe I should just pull out. In other news, I finally got some Kenny Rogers music! I know this will probably sound odd, but I was so pleased…

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Welcome to Uganda II: We have music

The newspapers have this section they keep publishing wherein they tell you how you can achieve a celebrity’s look for less. They also have a column titled ‘How To Be’, where the writer tells you, well, how you can be someone or something depending on the writer’s mood. It is these sections that have inspired…

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Tooth Or Dare

First of all, I’d like to state that I am not trying to start a series of posts dwelling on one thing. It’s actually coincidental that there’s more where this stuff came from, so without prior planning a lot of it carries over and allows me to fill the cavities on my blog. Yes, I…

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Random Instance Of Thought: ELECTIONS – USA

Please vote Barry into the White House (Baz, that black-house shit still isn’t funny!) Please you guys. Let Obama win, so that the guy I report to at work doesn’t skip work and leave everything to me. You see, the thing is; dude supports Arsenal and they have been having a less than stellar run…

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Not a snob…as such

I am not a snob. Seriously. I just like to think that certain things are beneath me. The problem is, I have the number one sign that someone maybe a snob. I am too bloody quick to defend myself and attempt to link myself to a certain class/group of individuals. You know that thing where…

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The Candiderm and its woman…

Look, I’m not one to go around saying nasty things about bleached women. I respect women that can go skinny dipping in chemical substances with the hopes that they will come out of the experience anew… I just think it would be better if said individuals spoke the English language a little better than a…

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The Combined Harvest

It’s been a while. I’d love to say I’ve been very busy. That life has been hectic and as such I have failed to do what I love doing, but that would be a lie. I’ve been lazy mostly. I’ve also done my fair share of procrastinating. However, life being what it is, you can…

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What's in a name anyway?

My English Language teachers would be really upset if I went with the intro I’d planned for this. You know how it is, “a sentence does not begin with words like ‘so’”. I don’t know. English has greatly evolved since those days in class with a certain teacher that, well, boring is just rude, said…

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a night's tale

10pm Savannah… that place on your way to Muyenga… or from it. . . Heineken brought to the table. Can is opened. . . a sip taken. Water is ordered. Medicine swallowed. . . back to Heineken. . . Change of venue suggested. Pangs of hunger manifest. Pizza recommended…   11pm She who shall not…

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A New Year, A week later

You’ve probably had the “happy new year” greeting more times than you care to remember so I’ll spare you. As it stands there’s very little to be happy about. Our cousins across the border are going through the after effects of an election gone wrong. Its what we keep hoping won’t happen to us. We’ve…

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