
Generally. . .

'twas the last day of the year…

This is my year end post, it goes a little something like this… I have learnt this year that live and let live is the way to go. I believe that half the fun in making New Year’s Resolutions (here on referred to simply as NYRs) lies in the knowledge that you probably won’t live…

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more random than a ugandan cop's uniform

My boss sent an email around telling us how we can detect and avoid Ebola. Its kinda touching to know he cares. Its also nice to know that he knows that Ebola is in town… so is Kevin Lyttle, but more on that later. What makes it so reassuring is the fact that I can…

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Re: plan my party

Its been a tedious process coming up with something that works for all and sundry and I hope I have this figured out. First off,THANKS a lot for all the ideas. They were dully noted. The final verdict is thus… we shall party in a tunnel with stripping teddy bears hook up and party in…

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Well, I never…

“I have never” is a nice variation on that awesome game we like to call 5 fingers! I suck at 5 fingers and have been known to cheat at it, but I rock like Jinja (I’m sorry!) at “I have never”. I was at this house party thingy over the weekend and we were playing…

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The week that's been…

My job is awesome! I realize that claim could easily earn me some nasty-ass comment for no reason. Could have been worse, I could put up pictures. I am finally going to the field. I have been, for the longest time, bitching about how everyone else has “fun” and gets to go out to the…

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Previously in this life…

I have been down with malaria. I also believe I am in massive need of detox. Discuss. You know how someone can look at you and go like, “You look sick, is it malaria?” and you’re thinking, “huh?!” coz you’re feeling sawa, then within the next couple of hours you develop a proper bout of…

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Tagged: The Sequel

Nga don’t I get Tagged again? I know I know, tagging is like so last year, I know, right! But anyway, given that I’ve got like, you know, nothing to write right now, lemme give in…in any case, this one was going to be a Random Drive-By Post… you know the rules, here’s me! 1….

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I’d like to attribute my absence to the fact that I got a job, but that hasn’t stopped loads of bloggers I know. I’d like to claim that given the heat that was radiating off of the ‘sphere last week, I took a back seat to watch and enjoy it. What? Guilty pleasure. You and…

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Guest Starring; Mr. Robin Thicke

Oprah: Today we have a very special guest ladies and gentlemen. We’ve got…. IVAN! Ivan…. WE are glad… arehere! Isn’t that right audience?Aren’t we glad audience? So Ivan, how does…it…feel? But before you answer, that is the title of the number one book on….. MY BOOKCLUB!!!!! How-Does- I.T. F33L? ((((((audience screams. Someone coughs. There’s a…

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