
Generally. . .

Tag…You're It

I was going to give this thing a rest. I mean you can only blog for sooo long, But I’ve been tagged, and I need to get this thing off my back…so…. This is how it’s going down… 1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts. 2. Players start with…

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Do you believe in the curse of Friday 13th?

He remembers the chat all too clearly. Perhaps that is one of his problems. The fact that he remembers. Now he remembers that, along with everything else. The other memories play back like some old movie in black and white, a classic. He takes those in. Do you believe in the curse of Friday 13th?…

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Randomness in spades

No serious intro to this one, Piecing it together as I go along, Not paying attention to Whether stuff this time round, Will Rhyme, but I Will step back, Sneak a peek Look at this piece, What the heck have I…? It’s the one about addiction, Y’all got yours, I’ve got mine, Come to think…

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The thing about sales…

Was once asked about my thoughts on marketing. If I recall correctly, my response was you’ve either got it or you don’t… you can sell a burger to a vegetarian, or you can’t. Last night I took a stroll through what many have come to call our equivalent of a Red Light District. Its got…

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With this hand…

She said she could read palms. I thought nothing of it. Yet, glancing back, I wonder… She took my hand into hers, furrowed her brow, deep in thought, pondering. I took a sip of my drink with my free hand, nonchalant. She peered harder, hard enough to get my attention. I put my glass back…

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I now pronounce you; broke and confused

It probably started with some poser. Some dude or chic or whatever was sitting there, looked across the table and thought to himself, “self, why don’t I complicate life just a bit…” and suddenly without warning, or if there had in fact been any warning it went unheeded because of suddenness of its very nature,…

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I has made comeback

I have been dreading this. The return to the Blogosphere.I really wish I had a great excuse for the absence. I do, actually. And as far as excuses go, this one is great. Won’t get into it though, not really my style. While I was away, Ernest introduced me to Lolcats. Its, by his definition,…

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Are you kiddin' me?

I’m not a kid person. I don’t mean I loathe them or anything, but I know I won’t be gushing over them the way lesser mortals do. I’m not going to go all “goo-goo ga-ga” and make faces at them. I’m not Jim Carrey. I will also-and this is a fact- not think its cute…

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Gettin' A Move On

This blog exists for the simple reason that some people can not access my other blog Also, I want to see how I can tweak themes here.