
In the News


Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) Enumerator: Hello, I’m from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics. I’ve come to count you. Resident: I live alone. UBOS Enumerator: Ah. Okay… so one. Resident: One what? UBOS Enumerator: I’ve counted you. You are one. Resident: I guess. UBOS Enumerator: I don’t mean to disturb you, but do you have…

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Elections in a Banana Republic

The evening before; A friend hinted there might be a nationwide internet blackout, but I was too preoccupied with the security situation back home to do anything about it. I also didn’t have the chance to share this bit of intel until it was too late. As I type this out, I have a message…

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Could be me. Could be you.

The words hang up there – floating…waiting. The person for whom they are meant goes about her duties unbothered, someone else has must take them in and ponder. ‘Someone’ does and looks around, a little perplexed. Is hand sanitizer sufficient, can you count on the honor system, will someone really step forward and declare that…

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#UGBlogWeek: The Election Survival Toolkit

Alright, listen up. I’m only going to say this once. It’s way too hot and repeating myself will likely take its toll, I will not cave to your “I beg your pardon” and “come again”… no repeat no surrender. Tomorrow is D-Day, the day we march to the polling stations, dip our fingers in ink…

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Elections were held…now what?

Now that we have voted, we can pat ourselves on the collective back. See, it doesn’t even matter whether your candidate took the biscuit. What’s important is that you are now, for lack of a better word, relevant. You know those stories you hear from elderly folk about how they participated in some sort of…

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The New Place. The Clinic

You’d think moving to a new place would mean a fresh start. See, my lifestyle may have been upgraded somewhat, but my immunity’s still a bitch. How was your Christmas Day?  I got off to a decent enough start. You know, the sporadic load-shedding that suggests someone at the power company is sending you signals…

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of primary importance

You may not believe this, but I went to Primary School once. I think it’s what people on the other side of the ocean call Elementary School, but, moving on. I went to primary school and I too had the privilege of sitting for my Primary Leaving Examinations…and, as it is now, my generation of…

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An Innocent Michael Jackson Post

It just occurred to me that while I was not a hardcore fan, I am moved somewhat by the entity that is (or was, if you believe he really is dead) Michael Jackson. See, there was a point in my life where I was in awe of the backslide and the gravity defying lean.  The…

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In other news. . .

I have the flu, but let’s not make this post about that. I got an award from Sleek…I’m supposed to brag, but I don’t have that in me. Well, I could try, but shit, what could I say that you don’t know already? I be the realest, got posts so fly they should be up…

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My Neck, My Back Hurts JUST LIKE THAT

Let’s just dive right in shall we. I have Spinal Spondylosis…the condition, not the movie. It is not the reason I walk with a, er, bounce. But it sure as hell is the reason it feels like my ribs are not held together and are engaged in a playful game of poke the lung every…

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