
In the News

skirting on petty issues

It’s old news. Nsaba Buturo has gone and opened his trap yet again. This time round, because he realised he’d simply be repeating himself ( and thereby boring himself as well) he avoided Big Brother and went after short skirts.  click dis!    and dis one coz its new I am not one to claim that…

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APPEAL: Please Return The Red Pepper's Calendars!

The word for today is NIBIRU…not to be confused with Mubiru, which may or may not have been my lecturer’s name back at the university. Come to think of it. It wasn’t my lecturer’s name. He was called Kapere. Pretty funny guy, he just didn’t know it. . .or if he did he didn’t care….

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heard the one about the Happy Ugandans?

The better paper reported in its Sunday edition that Ugandans are happy. I don’t even want to imagine what inspired the story… you know what, fukkit, lemme… Anon. : Why are you smiling? Anon 2: I’m smiling coz I’m glad… Anon.: Glad…as in happy? Who the hell do you think you are, going around being…

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Drink our tap water, its tha shit!

  Some time during the course of the week, (Monday, I believe it was). It was reported that Kampala tap water has got faeces (there’s a word I didn’t think would ever appear on my blog). This is a little worrying for people that are keen on tap water. It also means that the dude…

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The CHOGM one

I’d started typing this thing out with the intention of posting something sensational. Arousing ire or whatever emotions were aroused, when this went up. What you have instead is a first paragraph choke-full of innuendo and a very stupid next lot of paragraphs that introduces the meat of the matter. I figured I’d go into…

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This week in The News…

Published in That magazine that comes free with the Sunday paper, The caption read, ” This girl worked as a prostitute…she recently gave birth to this baby, but she doesn’t know who the father is. She and the baby are both very ill.” Baz said it was schadenfreude-like for me to laugh, and I agree….

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