

Of moon-writing and stuff

I’m back. I don’t know how long for, but hopefully I’m going to make this stick. Worst case scenario, I’ll likely do a post a week, the way I see it, this ought to give me a chance to vent and get back to being a normal person. Except that I’m not necessarily a normal…

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The mouth's an orifice,er, office

I don’t understand dentists. I’m not implying that they speak an entirely different language or whatever. I just don’t get what could possibly inspire someone to decide that they would absolutely love to pursue a career that involves looking into people’s mouths and poking around. It’s beyond me.

To the power company. . .with venom

I write you a letter; scratch that, a poem, I’ve tried every approach, but the words, I guess are too big, You simply don’t know ‘em. So here’s another attempt, borne out of a cut wire, The approach, Different in every way entire.   It pisses me off no end, knowing I’m stuck with you,…

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heard the one about the Happy Ugandans?

The better paper reported in its Sunday edition that Ugandans are happy. I don’t even want to imagine what inspired the story… you know what, fukkit, lemme… Anon. : Why are you smiling? Anon 2: I’m smiling coz I’m glad… Anon.: Glad…as in happy? Who the hell do you think you are, going around being…

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The CHOGM one

I’d started typing this thing out with the intention of posting something sensational. Arousing ire or whatever emotions were aroused, when this went up. What you have instead is a first paragraph choke-full of innuendo and a very stupid next lot of paragraphs that introduces the meat of the matter. I figured I’d go into…

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My Friend, Why You Are Not Kona-Dancing…%^&* You

Hitmen don’t do crap! Builders scare me more!Yeah sure, if for some reason a hitman put a gun to my forehead and while sputtering uttered the words DODGE THIS (because they need some sort of catchy phrase to sign out with!) I’d pee on myself because in my mind’s eye, the visual woud be that…

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