

To whom it may concern…

Dear Person at the Power Company, I’ve wanted to write you for a while now, but I couldn’t. Its not that words fail me or nothing, words are my friends. It’s not even that, whilst trying to contemplate just how you manage to wake up and **** up the day for the rest of us,…

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Dear Beyonce Knowles Zee

Its been a while. In fact, its been ages. Some have pointed to the possibility that my beef with you is because you ended up with Gay Z and not me. That’s not true, I applaud your choice in collaborative partnerships. Others have suggested that I am hating on you because you are bootylicious and…

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Dear Guy That Does The Budget Reading Thing

First off, do you have an Official Title? See, I want to type and all that, but it gets a little monotonous if I have to keep calling you Guy That Does The Budget Reading Thing. I’ll just call you “Dude”. Don’t get used to it though. So anyway, what the hell is your problem?…

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Excuse Me Mr. President…

Hi Mr. President, This is kinda late, but you know how it is, problems with mail delivery and what not. Its just nasty. You just can’t get good service anymore. Everyone’s worked up, got conspiracy theories and stuff. Man! The good news is, I have nothing better to do, so it looks a lot like…

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