

The COVID-19 Files: Day 4

It’s Christmas Day and way back when, that would mean last minute shopping and getting agitated by the long lines of like-minded individuals spread out across the supermarket. Not this year though… or the last, actually. Now we just stay put and hope for the best. How about we simply run through 10 things. Masking…

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Note your typical Christmas Story

12th Dec. 2020 | 1515Hrs I woke up this morning with this random idea, “What if we updated the nativity story to fit the times?”. As usually happens with these things, the idea evolved as the day progressed and I finally tightened it (I think) with the hope that maybe, just maybe, I might actually…

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Brave New World Part 6 | Austin, Texas: Making Meats End

“Don’t mess with Texas”. I’m not sure where I heard that, or who said it, but there’s something about the line that just sticks with you. No other state/country/locale invites you in a threatening manner. Heck, even France that would be perfect with the “F” word doesn’t let you in with a “don’t fiddle with…

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Where sleep and I disagree

It’s 11pm. The apostrophe key on my laptop is sentient and figured there’s no real reason it should exert itself on a public holiday. I’m all for breaks, but I don’t really care for using the full form of a word when I can bridge the gap with a bloody punctuation mark.

The mouth's an orifice,er, office

I don’t understand dentists. I’m not implying that they speak an entirely different language or whatever. I just don’t get what could possibly inspire someone to decide that they would absolutely love to pursue a career that involves looking into people’s mouths and poking around. It’s beyond me.

What's up… docs?

This PC responds pretty fast. You know what would be really cool… if the internet was loading pages with the same resolve. But then again, outside the blog-sphere, what else am I going to surf? The gadget blogs are taking their sweet time to update. And even then, I log on with some preconceived expectation…

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Random Instance(s) Of Thought

My internet is a bitch. Keeps going down on me at the worst times. It gets so bad, I wonder why I even bother with the ISP, maybe I should just pull out. In other news, I finally got some Kenny Rogers music! I know this will probably sound odd, but I was so pleased…

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My stomach hurts. Not in that way that has me hunched over begging the Lord to take what little life is left in me, but it doth hurt quite a bit. Contrary to what you may have been led to believe from my posts regarding visits to various medical practitioners, I hate drugs. Given the…

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Random Instance Of Thought

I use Boda Bodas regularly. What can I say; they are a convenient way of getting around. So anyway, about two weeks ago I was heading to Nakawa and I was accosted by one of them Boda-Riders. As is the tradition, I had a figure etched in my mind, a price ceiling if you will….

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