

My Neck, My Back Hurts JUST LIKE THAT

Let’s just dive right in shall we. I have Spinal Spondylosis…the condition, not the movie. It is not the reason I walk with a, er, bounce. But it sure as hell is the reason it feels like my ribs are not held together and are engaged in a playful game of poke the lung every…

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What Randomness Is This

Allow me to start off by saying I am so freaking sleepy. To that end, this will likely be one of those posts I end abruptly. Truth be told, I am making this up as I go along. I don’t know what I intend to write. I know I have bitched quite a bit about…

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Welcome to Uganda II: We have music

The newspapers have this section they keep publishing wherein they tell you how you can achieve a celebrity’s look for less. They also have a column titled ‘How To Be’, where the writer tells you, well, how you can be someone or something depending on the writer’s mood. It is these sections that have inspired…

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Chapter VI: The Orientals Cometh

In a palace, not too far away, there was trouble a foot. A king was pissed as only a pissed king can be “Your Majesty, you should reconsider. This killing of kings thing is getting played out. Why don’t you kill a pauper or something? Heck, I could order a nice Ugandan boda boda rider.How…

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Tooth Or Dare

First of all, I’d like to state that I am not trying to start a series of posts dwelling on one thing. It’s actually coincidental that there’s more where this stuff came from, so without prior planning a lot of it carries over and allows me to fill the cavities on my blog. Yes, I…

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Oh The Agony. . .

Dear Agony Dude, I hope you can solve my problem. I recently got into a relationship and all was going smoothly, so we decided to take it to the next step. We started to shower together. It seemed to work out fine in the beginning, but lately I’ve noticed something that bothers me. You see,…

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Where Big Brother is kinda "happy"

This is Big Brother, Munya, please report to the diary room. I repeat, Munya, please report to the diary room, er, pretty please with a cherry on top. Munya: Hi Big Brother, what’s happening Oh, I don’t know, what’s up with you? Munya: Er, well, the task is a bit of a bitch really, nuh’mean?…

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Not a snob…as such

I am not a snob. Seriously. I just like to think that certain things are beneath me. The problem is, I have the number one sign that someone maybe a snob. I am too bloody quick to defend myself and attempt to link myself to a certain class/group of individuals. You know that thing where…

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The Thing about Mer-people

  I was having a chat with a pal recently over possible holiday destinations now that Christmas is upon us. IT really is, the slut outside Capital Pub was wearing a tank top with the words XMAS SPECIAL screaming at me so loud, I was happy to see the Boda guy take some initiative and…

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