


IRONIC Its that time again, I’m house-sitting in Bugolobi and as such I won’t have very regular posts. This time round, I am not blessed with a TV so huge you can play table tennis on its screen, but what I do have is a wireless internet connection with no computer. It’s like that line…

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One Afternoon, not too long ago. . .

“when I was growing up as a child. . .” -Patience Rwabogo So there I was, chillin’ out at a pal’s video lib. Conversating as we are wont to, when suddenly… Vacist: Man, you guy, your stuff is dope! Do you have Sopranos? Mr. E: Yeah, what season? Vacist: Okay, what. Gene (generally), I can’t…

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Random Instance Of Thought _ Its kells!

You’ve heard the news, R. Kelly is NOT GUILTY. However, you have to ask yourself what it was like in the courtroom. . . -So Mr. Kelly, Mr. Pied Piper… R! mask, ziggy dee, whatever your name is, what do you have to say for yourself… Kells: Well, if I could turn… turn back the…

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Title unknown

I had a Turkish delight this morning. That was on my way to the bathroom…soapy water got into my mouth so what was once rose flavored, became Geisha flavored. Tasted like crap, incase you were wondering. My pal told me that who you are at 25 is who you will be for the rest of…

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Random Instance Of Thought _ soccer!

It’s come to this; I am going to find a soccer team to support. Everyone seems to be into soccer. I tried to console someone over her team’s loss saying, “You need to remember, that stuff doesn’t happen in real life.” The silly team went on to equalize in the 95th minute, but now we…

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Of drunken watchmen

Mine is the tale of a drunken watchman, you see, One that comes to work whenever he’s free, Reeking of booze, Drunk as heck, Drunk as can be, Drunk as a skunk, ‘Tis the story of he,

because everyone has pix up. . .

So I couldn’t sleep, right, and then my teeth were killing me, right, so I started thinking about life and stuff, specifically, where I am in life, you know, how long will i be this way, what will it be like when i get older, how come i have ignored punctuation in this post, when…

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Another sick note…

So I had a cough and cold the other day… well to be perfectly honest it was over a series of days. I don’t know where this stuff comes from, but when it arrives it puts me down so bad. I can’t do a thing in that state. Except wallow. I do a lot of…

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a night's tale

10pm Savannah… that place on your way to Muyenga… or from it. . . Heineken brought to the table. Can is opened. . . a sip taken. Water is ordered. Medicine swallowed. . . back to Heineken. . . Change of venue suggested. Pangs of hunger manifest. Pizza recommended…   11pm She who shall not…

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The Thing about Life : Super Abilities

So I’m watching this thing on Nickelodeon… first off, I’d like to state that I did die a little inside when watching this station. I hate myself for laughing at SpongeBob‘s shite. I feel like a part of me has been taken and kept on some shelf in Annoying Animation Heaven. I am glad to…

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