
Repose Reloaded

It was all a dream

The title borrows from a lyric in one of the late Christopher Wallace’s songs. I suspect, he too borrowed it, but that doesn’t matter…didn’t, he was NOTORIOUS and could get away with whatever…till the end. That caught up with him. I mention the Biggie lyric not so much because I was a fan (seriously though,…

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Yesterday, I was just like you. Pretty much. I thought that girl was cute, thought she had a wonderful smile, that her smile lit up the room that she took my breath away. That there were endless possibilities, if I could just gather the nerves and tell her… but it’s too late. Too late to…

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So I'm Grabbin' My Hair And Tearin' It Out

What she wore was blue, It matched the mood, A lump formed in a throat, No emotion expressed, But they knew… – ReinBo Flaffi Bani And now a tale about my visit to the barber over the weekend… It goes without saying that no pictures will be posted. Ever felt that your hair is getting…

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A state of contemplative repose : The Text

Dennis is jealous. I am not. . .and yet, its a better place to be. For right now, I am confused. A little. Some things you just can’t explain. Like taxi park incidents. Take for instance, those times you are in your taxi, minding your business and this dude tries to break the window so…

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