
This Life

A 'taxi-turvy' tale

I appreciate convenience as much as the next guy. Really. For some reason, I think this has factored heavily on my reliance on boda bodas over your regular run of the mill-striped can of sardines that the transport sector now and then tries to pass off as a legit form of transportation.

My Neck, My Back Hurts JUST LIKE THAT

Let’s just dive right in shall we. I have Spinal Spondylosis…the condition, not the movie. It is not the reason I walk with a, er, bounce. But it sure as hell is the reason it feels like my ribs are not held together and are engaged in a playful game of poke the lung every…

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skirting on petty issues

It’s old news. Nsaba Buturo has gone and opened his trap yet again. This time round, because he realised he’d simply be repeating himself ( and thereby boring himself as well) he avoided Big Brother and went after short skirts.  click dis!    and dis one coz its new I am not one to claim that…

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The strange case of L'il Jim

I wrote a story a while back, it was of a watchman drunk, Drunk as hell, was the story of he, but nonetheless, just a story it seemed to be, But a lot of truth is told in jest, so now compelled I feel, compelled to tell the story behind the story, The tale if…

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One Afternoon, not too long ago. . .

“when I was growing up as a child. . .” -Patience Rwabogo So there I was, chillin’ out at a pal’s video lib. Conversating as we are wont to, when suddenly… Vacist: Man, you guy, your stuff is dope! Do you have Sopranos? Mr. E: Yeah, what season? Vacist: Okay, what. Gene (generally), I can’t…

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What Tha Funk?!

“I giggle outside the booth, but ain’t no joke inside” Bubba Sparxxx (Ugly) Ever had one of those days where everything just isn’t going well? Stuff won’t work right? Like whatever you do, whatever happens, you keep coming up against a wall. And then when you try to back up a little, there’s another wall?…

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Another sick note…

So I had a cough and cold the other day… well to be perfectly honest it was over a series of days. I don’t know where this stuff comes from, but when it arrives it puts me down so bad. I can’t do a thing in that state. Except wallow. I do a lot of…

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a night's tale

10pm Savannah… that place on your way to Muyenga… or from it. . . Heineken brought to the table. Can is opened. . . a sip taken. Water is ordered. Medicine swallowed. . . back to Heineken. . . Change of venue suggested. Pangs of hunger manifest. Pizza recommended…   11pm She who shall not…

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A New Year, A week later

You’ve probably had the “happy new year” greeting more times than you care to remember so I’ll spare you. As it stands there’s very little to be happy about. Our cousins across the border are going through the after effects of an election gone wrong. Its what we keep hoping won’t happen to us. We’ve…

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'twas the last day of the year…

This is my year end post, it goes a little something like this… I have learnt this year that live and let live is the way to go. I believe that half the fun in making New Year’s Resolutions (here on referred to simply as NYRs) lies in the knowledge that you probably won’t live…

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