
This Life


Yesterday, I was just like you. Pretty much. I thought that girl was cute, thought she had a wonderful smile, that her smile lit up the room that she took my breath away. That there were endless possibilities, if I could just gather the nerves and tell her… but it’s too late. Too late to…

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So I Say Thank You For The Moslems

“So I say Thank you for the music Moslems, the songs Im singing fast they ended Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing Who can live without it ‘em, I ask in all honesty What would life be? Without a song or a dance moon or a star What are we? So I say thank…

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Re: plan my party

Its been a tedious process coming up with something that works for all and sundry and I hope I have this figured out. First off,THANKS a lot for all the ideas. They were dully noted. The final verdict is thus… we shall party in a tunnel with stripping teddy bears hook up and party in…

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One year, One week later…

You get the feeling, as you grow older, that something will change, that you can look back and feel a certain sense of accomplishment. It doesn’t always work that way. Yes, I can take a walk down memory lane and reminisce and feel pretty good about the year gone by…but I find that it is…

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Previously in this life…

I have been down with malaria. I also believe I am in massive need of detox. Discuss. You know how someone can look at you and go like, “You look sick, is it malaria?” and you’re thinking, “huh?!” coz you’re feeling sawa, then within the next couple of hours you develop a proper bout of…

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Life, The Weekend and All That Jazz

LIFE   I’ve been staying in Bugolobi since Tuesday last week. There are a couple of internet cafes and all, but for some reason I feel disinclined to the whole idea of paying for my internet. This is quite strange given that back-back then when the internet had been introduced to Ugandans through little rooms…

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I’d like to attribute my absence to the fact that I got a job, but that hasn’t stopped loads of bloggers I know. I’d like to claim that given the heat that was radiating off of the ‘sphere last week, I took a back seat to watch and enjoy it. What? Guilty pleasure. You and…

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Your head's on the concrete. There are passersby, but you don't care. Some of them stop and look. Some point and snigger. It doesn't matter. There's a song playing in the background, The words are not clear. If they are, you can not make them out. You can't be bothered. You shut your eyes to…

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Do you believe in the curse of Friday 13th?

He remembers the chat all too clearly. Perhaps that is one of his problems. The fact that he remembers. Now he remembers that, along with everything else. The other memories play back like some old movie in black and white, a classic. He takes those in. Do you believe in the curse of Friday 13th?…

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