
This Life

In Sickness…Then Health

I have a cough. Not your ordinary run of the mill “cough cough sputter sputter sigh” variety. I’d like to think it’s the new breed of cough. It has me in bed for hours on end and feeling like the whole world is in some invisible cloak and sitting on me. And I do not…

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The thing about sales…

Was once asked about my thoughts on marketing. If I recall correctly, my response was you’ve either got it or you don’t… you can sell a burger to a vegetarian, or you can’t. Last night I took a stroll through what many have come to call our equivalent of a Red Light District. Its got…

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For I….

Began work at my new place of work and I For some reason don’t quite feel it, but I Figure I need to stay the course and try To weather the storm and stay the course, until I Can figure out what else to do. Not gonna be easy coz I Seem to have picked…

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With this hand…

She said she could read palms. I thought nothing of it. Yet, glancing back, I wonder… She took my hand into hers, furrowed her brow, deep in thought, pondering. I took a sip of my drink with my free hand, nonchalant. She peered harder, hard enough to get my attention. I put my glass back…

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I now pronounce you; broke and confused

It probably started with some poser. Some dude or chic or whatever was sitting there, looked across the table and thought to himself, “self, why don’t I complicate life just a bit…” and suddenly without warning, or if there had in fact been any warning it went unheeded because of suddenness of its very nature,…

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I look back at years gone by, then months, then begrudgingly; weeks. And then, when I feel I have overcome the weeks, I look at days gone by. I don’t want to think that things have gradually deteriorated, that life could be better. I don’t want to have any regrets. Life is too short to…

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So I'm Grabbin' My Hair And Tearin' It Out

What she wore was blue, It matched the mood, A lump formed in a throat, No emotion expressed, But they knew… – ReinBo Flaffi Bani And now a tale about my visit to the barber over the weekend… It goes without saying that no pictures will be posted. Ever felt that your hair is getting…

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because i got high

I’d like to state the obvious. I’m high. Which would mean, it’s understandable that some idiot went like, How High are you instead of Hi, how are you? This actually makes sense when you say it out loud instead of just reading it. Its one of those puns we look back upon and feel embarrassed…

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See,I've been thinking…

I’d like to state for the record that I am not working….or employed…or whatever. The plus side is that my current state has given me some time to think. Most of the thoughts, I’m sure you’ll relate, pertain to making money. I haven’t been this innovative since that time when I decided I wanted to…

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Are you kiddin' me?

I’m not a kid person. I don’t mean I loathe them or anything, but I know I won’t be gushing over them the way lesser mortals do. I’m not going to go all “goo-goo ga-ga” and make faces at them. I’m not Jim Carrey. I will also-and this is a fact- not think its cute…

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