

Last Night The DJ Took My Life

It was a football match. I don’t do Football, but my cousin does…my sister too. As it turns out, everyone else does football. Everyone, that is, except me and the Local TV stations. So to play catch up, my relatives opted to listen to the radio. I don’t know how it works, but if I…

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We are Bloggers, We Do The Write Thing…

I got to the happy hour with an odd feeling of foreboding. I was freaked out by the possibility that we would be drawn into some sort of debate, worse yet some discourse wherein we shared our views on the state of the country, attempted to find a way of getting the President to listen…

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The Story Of We

Independence is this cool thing where everything is all about you. The world seemingly revolves around you, the ground is pleased that it supports your weight and you don’t need to answer to anyone. Independence is also a myth. Two letters exist to squash the illusion of independence, two letters;One word is all it takes…

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Comin’ Up in 2k7…and then some…

The power situation is going to get worse. Despite the fact that the rains have fallen relentlessly, experts suggest that the situation is getting a little direr… (MSWord claims there is no such thing as “more dire”, this coming from a dude that dropped out of Uni. And learnt all he needed from a garage)…

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So ends another one…

We’ve come quite far you and I.I don’t know you well enough to speak from your point of viewso I’ll stick to mine. As I look back I can’t help but think, what do I have to show for the year gone by…the radio promotion wherein listener’s were invited to find a road with no…

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She Said Yes

B: ‘sup? Me: erm, nothing..why, what’s going on? What have you heard? B: Oh, nuthin’..Just that you’ve been avoiding me… Me: Whoa! Hang on.. B: Yeah, I know, I’ve already been on her case but we already sorted ourselves out… Me: No shit?! B: Shit…see for yourself. Me: I did actually, just figured she was…

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