

How was your day?

Tired as heck, I whip out my reading material. Dude next to me is carrying loads of stuff so he figures we must have some sort of connection seeing as I am also carrying some stuff. He says hi. Its nine O’clock and I have the cold the whole world has seemingly recovered from, or…

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24 and over!

As I post this,there are two decent individuals at the Call Center of the Power Company.The following events take place over 24 Hours…and then some. Be warned, as I write this, I am reading Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons no doubt a subtle reference to the individuals that work in the power company’s call centers……

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Parts Unseen; The Second

The song goes; “It’s kinda hard out here for a pimp. . .”It says nothing about the life of a law enforcer. In fact, when you think about it, It doesn’t say anything about this particular character, whom we shall christen Andrew. Andrew is somewhat different from your run of the mill police officers. Well,…

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Parts Unseen; The First

He wakes up at four. Not because he wants to. Heck no. He’d much rather be in bed. He turns and looks at the body of the lithe young thing that kept him company through the night. Some of these university girls could be so impressionable. That’s what he thinks as he gets up. He…

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Meanwhile. . .

My cousin just made the observation that I keep posting images of stuff I don’t have, and I’m thinkin. . . YET!. . .and basing on that,here’s a somewhat distorted pic of the Toshiba Gigabeat. Look at it.Is it not a thing of beauty and,and stuff?Need I apologise for the delay in postings? Its not…

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Sometimes They Grow

Where do I start. . .I was out hangin yesterday, started simply. I went over to my brothers’ place. Yeah..they do have their own place. I figured I’d say hi to some pals in the general massif (area) and go home and do somethin geeky like rip DVD’s or sumthin. Then I was invited to…

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Blogger Ate My Post or How I Posted Twice in 10 Minutes

I’d posted something tending towards deep. For real, and now its been taken away from me. I was on a roll, is all I’m sayin .I had pulled off some subliminal advertising wherein I just let a link hide in my text with the intention of whipping it out a little later. I remember there…

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Nikey Suckey Suckey!

I had knda hoped that some suit from Nike would have hollad by now. They didn’t! As such I am switching my allegiance to Skechers…Oh man… things look so freakin SWEET…@JKB. . . *Deleted Scene from previous entry*“Are the spirits of which you speak the distilled kind?”-Distil…Wait, that’s like blasphemy…I’d smite you if I wasn’t…

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Me Likey Nikey!

I honestly haven’t come up with any serious reason why, Whenever into a shoe shop I enter, I wanna buy, That really cool brand,with its simple swish, To pick up a pair is my only wish… And if you got this far thinkin’ “This is deep” ….SHEESH! What power problem is this country facing?I’ve had…

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Bringin Down the House

Listen, I appreciate the fact that people think I am not into TV…well,I wasn’t and I made it known. But for the love of God..I don’t want to watch some overhyped show…like Prison Break or 24…It used to be 24, but somewhere along the line Prison Break broke into the whole thing and now everybody…

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