

I gotta warn you,this is about a Kwanjula.

I figured Kwanjulas were a straightforward affair.You go to some place get fitted into this long dress and then wear the coat and for some reason you don’t feel less manly.Actually,on the contrary you feel like the alpha male and later during the course of this thing,you think nothing of the guy doing a little…

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Yeah,I know the title is something of a big deal.I mean,you look at it and you think,”That’s a video game title,isn’t it?” or better still,”That’s the name of that Christian Slater flick that was incredibly boring and for some reason very few people saw through the facade and went to the cinema in droves and…

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Here's a Thought

On the Recent Kyeyo Law Kyeyo: What Ugandans do abroad in an attempt to make ends meet. Derived from the fact that it also includes sweeping roads with brooms (Byeyo) from time to time. And now as they are making some sort of headway a law is introduced that could very well sweep the smiles…

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The Corny Article

This one’s no good,move on to the next article.So there I was,standing by the roadside,waiting for a taxi.One drew up shortly and the ‘conductor’ asked me to get on board. I gave the taxi a long hard look and decided against it, there was simply no space.Plus I was getting some nasty looks from the…

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A League Of Their Own

Yesterday I successfully entered the echelons of people that can use the phrase,”I spent my Sunday washing clothes” or its equivalent,”I washed”.I realise this is not an issue,and there’s the random possibility that I am actually displaying some spoilt brat tendencies,but I still think its a big deal.It actually helped me open my eyes to…

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Picture Perfect

I’m, not hating,far from it.I respect the whole concept of photography.Given the right setting I’d pose with Angelina Jolie if Bradd let me.But that’s it.I would not go all out on the whole thing the way many people do.It never ceases to amuse me(yes,I am actually a very to amuse person…which is why Breakfast Shows…

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Club Hoppers: The Story Of One

This is one of those articles where I claim the plan was simple,then I back track and you realize I was not very honest the first time round and the plan was nowhere near that.The truth is the night in question was destined to have some harrowing experiences.We’d just left a graduation party and this…

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Seeing Red:A Rouge Story

The first thing that crept into my mind as I entered the club can not be printed.Not necessarily the first thing when you get down to it,but the first word.It was an exclamation of sorts.Nonetheless,I made my way up the stairs and my vision was accosted by the colour. I realize at this point you’re…

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Such Is Life

Alright,I’ve been gone for quite a bit.Been dealing with some major issues,but I’m okay,fine even.Infact I have done some massive soul searching and come up with so many truths and I think I’m gonna wax it all sentimental on y’all.But first,the advert… Y’all gotta meet my pal Ernest.He has his own blog,which isn’t really saying…

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Gimme a HI-5…Gimme a Break

Right so we have this brand new idea right,its called HI 5.Y’all know about it,I know you do because my mailbox is practically bursting with pleas from people begging me to be a part of HI 5 so I can get some ninety sumthin’ pals. Seriously now,do I need this? Do I really need more…

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