I went for this rally with as much zeal as I could muster on such a hot Sunday afternoon.See, the thing is, usually, when people tell you to go for “The Sprintâ€, they make it sound so exciting. Like it’s an event that could only be eclipsed in awesomeness by the abrupt declaration by Joseph…
Can We Please Have A Moment Of Silence
I hate silence,really I do.Its not like I have some incredibly “deep” reason behind it,like It awakens all sorts of emotions within…like fear or something. I just can’t stand it…I’m sitting here,right?bored as heck coz I have some design work to pull off and I can’t come up with anything.Its the silence…it sucks a**e!!My cousin…
Here We Go Again
Its gotten such that I always want to come up with some catchy title for my blogs.I actually thought anatomy of a strike was brilliant,worthy of a Pulitzer even(assuming Pulitzer’s were awarded on the basis of titles)..then I went to Google and there were about 500 Anatomies.Its pretty sad really.I can not lay claim to…
Beware The Man With The Pen
Long title,isn’t?Well,there’s a good reason behind this…I went to this grad. party over the weekend,my cousin’s actually.It was neat and if I could do it all over again…I pro’lly wouldn’t…I was pining for the greater part of it.Thinking lots about Vee..Oh crap!I think i just lost Carlo…Oh well,never mind,you’re still here.So after the party I…
To Blog Or Not To Blog…
So I wake up this mornin’ right?With my head in the clouds because,as you can imagine its the sort of thing you do when you are in love. The other thing you do is go all out and declare your feelings for this special person to all and sundry (sort of saying,”leave me the heck…
And then there was silence
The Pope is dead…Its a sad day worldwide. Catholics have been holding vigil.The news channels were filled with profiles. My mum came over and told us…actually we met in the corridor cuz i was going over to tell her (not really the bearer of Bad News,but…) and she told me. Its pretty depressing. We all…
Its Easter…
Happy Easter all…This would be a great time to remember all the great stuff our saviour has done for us…Especially the Get-Out-Of-Hell-Free card…which is pro’lly why we have this lovely holiday to begin with…Ofcourse some sickening debate will ensue over whether I went to church,so I’m not going to front…No I didn’t..I wanted to…but I…
Here's To You
My Net’s acting up again.The last time something like that happened I typed anatomy of a strike…(its down there somewhere).”Oh Crap” I’m sure someone has muttered…actually knowing you lot,its not under your breath.You don’t mince words…we need guys like you telling Bush to **Content Removed By Blog Support** Anywho,it certainly feels good to be back,I…
That's Reality….NOT!!
Got Tricked Into Doing This Its evident the TV execs. We have so long expected to give us great shows have gone on leave. Either that or they have genuinely run out of ideas. Whatever the case, they have set off a nasty precedent; REALITY SHOWS!! The sad fact is that they just can’t work…
Its a New Year
Got Tricked Into Doing This First off,Happy New year,Its amazing we have come this far…it kind of screws up the movie industry ‘coz now they can’t quite pull sci-fi banter that begins with its the year 2006. The sad fact is, we are so not buying that anymore.Granted they may still get us to go…