

Brave New World Part 02 | Abu Dhabi – JFK

It’s possible that, up until this point, the biggest airport I’d encountered was OR Thambo  in South Africa. Abu Dhabi wasn’t as straightforward to get around- I put this down to its size. It’s also probable that I’m just crap at finding my way around places, but I will not be the guy that fuels…

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Brave New World Part 01 | UG – ABU DHABI

“You sure you still want to come?”. My cousin’s message stared up at me from the cellphone I’d placed next to my suitcase. As I continued my last minute packing, an angel and devil on shoulder exchange was in full swing. “Dude, you paid twice for a visa. Do you really want to back out…

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#UGBlogWeek: The Elections

The queue shows no signs of letting up anytime soon and every time they let people into the voting area… they never return. That’s doing nothing for my confidence. Is there a parallel universe beyond that barricade? Does it have a revered lion with Samson’s hair predicament? How about tigers and bears? Oh my…

#UGBlogWeek: The Haircut

I got a haircut today. So close to the general elections, it’s easy to think there’s a statement being made, but there really isn’t. I figured I was a tad too hairy for my liking and decided to do something about it. Plus, I really can’t stand it when my moustache tries too hard to…

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The One About The Law

He: Do you know why I’m arresting you? She: Kale you’re dry! Am I supposed to do your job? He: Madam, it’s because you are not supposed to move under the influence. She: I’m not driving. Be serious. He: Excuse you please. Even walking is a punishable offense.

ridin' dutty

I’m riding a boda boda. Not steering it, just calling the shots from back here, ‘take a left, turn right… But I think that’s where the problem is. Something seems to keep getting lost on translation.

the moaning after

I have what identifies as a hangover, but is really a needy headache. I figure if I keep playing dumb, it will pack its bags and leave…perhaps in search of a more accommodating host. As it is right now, it has seemingly inherited the undesirable traits of a clingy needy stalker.

an abandoned post

The fastest thing about this place was the way Microsoft Word opened. Not much else could rival the speed with which Gates’ popular word processor sprung to life, blank page in front of you begging you to have your way with it. Were I a painter and this before me, were my canvas, I’d be…

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The android diaries; The meeting

You hear a lot of talk about different phone operating systems and think, “who cares, a phone is a phone. all i want to do is text and call” For a while that’s true, then you develop a nasty case of touch envy and you keep going home to your little corner, sit on the…

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Who do I have to sleep with: To get a road named for me

Here’s the thing. It used to be the important people that would get titles bestowed upon them. Stuff like Sir Apollo Kaggwa, Saint Balikuddembe, Earnest Bazanye… you get the idea, and we were okay with that. They deserved these titles. Then an interesting thing happened (well, ‘interesting’ is relative, just go with it) people started…

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