

Ho Ho No

I suspect this is the part where I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas. So here it is, take it and enjoy. MERRY CHRISTMAS. This is not the post I wanted to write. I’ve been procrastinating for a bit with that one. I wanted to write something from the point of view of my…

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The return…as-if

Have I ever whined about some chest issues that were bugging me some time back? Bugging me so bad, the pain extended it’s reign of terror and flooded my arm and my back? I saw a series of doctors back then, none of them my classmates, who offered different diagn…theories. Turns out, what I had…

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What's going on. . .

I was asked to write an article concerning sex addiction. I’ve been told it will run eventually, but as of now, one of the higher ups is not too keen. Her reason? There’s a lot of stuff concerning sex in it. I write for the Kawa section in Sunday Vision. Anyone that has read it…

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New Release(s)

You guys thought you would go to a baby shower and that would be it? Okay, some of you (ERIQUE) decided to skip the thing, but that didn’t change a thing. The buns in the oven said, “you will see!” As of 7,er something this morning, the first blogger babies emerged. I’m told they looked…

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Did you guys watch the Eviction Show

It was like a coming of age story. Boy meets girl. They hug and there’s joy and happiness all around. For a couple of minutes and then Big Sis rears her nastiness like a wicked step sister and puts an end to the honeymoon. I didn’t see much promise for the eviction show, but I…

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as i live and breathe

It has been said that I oft glamourise being sick. I’d hate to think that I actually take something as mundane and painful as an illness and make fun of it. I believe these things (diseases) should be taken, nay, MUST be taken seriously! Why, you never know what life’s got in store for you….

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BBA IV: It Starts

The show is on! It’s bugging me no end that there are no ladies at the moment. Biggie says that there will be some eventually, but for a week we are going to have to make do with what’s available. And what’s available is annoying and noisy! There were four people in the house that…

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Elephants Frolicking In The Sand

There was a Blogger Happy Hour yesterday. I don’t do recap posts so you won’t read about how I got there before everyone. Or how Antipop…actually, no, Fez was there before, only that she attended in her capacity as a ‘person that had gone to Mateos then attended BHH”. It didn’t help that the wonderful…

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