Posts Tagged

Ivan M

#UGBlogWeek: The Election Survival Toolkit

Alright, listen up. I’m only going to say this once. It’s way too hot and repeating myself will likely take its toll, I will not cave to your “I beg your pardon” and “come again”… no repeat no surrender. Tomorrow is D-Day, the day we march to the polling stations, dip our fingers in ink…

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Where sleep and I disagree

It’s 11pm. The apostrophe key on my laptop is sentient and figured there’s no real reason it should exert itself on a public holiday. I’m all for breaks, but I don’t really care for using the full form of a word when I can bridge the gap with a bloody punctuation mark.

The Combined Harvest

It’s been a while. I’d love to say I’ve been very busy. That life has been hectic and as such I have failed to do what I love doing, but that would be a lie. I’ve been lazy mostly. I’ve also done my fair share of procrastinating. However, life being what it is, you can…

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What's in a name anyway?

My English Language teachers would be really upset if I went with the intro I’d planned for this. You know how it is, “a sentence does not begin with words like ‘so’”. I don’t know. English has greatly evolved since those days in class with a certain teacher that, well, boring is just rude, said…

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because everyone has pix up. . .

So I couldn’t sleep, right, and then my teeth were killing me, right, so I started thinking about life and stuff, specifically, where I am in life, you know, how long will i be this way, what will it be like when i get older, how come i have ignored punctuation in this post, when…

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