Posts Tagged

Ivan Musoke

The COVID Files; Day 6… or 7… possibly 9

Been a minute since I was here. While I was away, there were a few more headaches -nothing serious; I assure you I have had a worse time with hangovers. I’ve had to clear my throat from time to time to allow my voice to operate at its best. Despite all this, I still identify…

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Mary… Did you know?

I like the song “Mary, did you know?” by… well so many people. I personally favour the version by Clay Aiken, the version by Pentatonix is nice too. On a good day, I’ll sing along – where sing means string the lyrics together loudly in a manner that suggests my voice has enjoyed a relationship…

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Previously in Calgary…

Dear Diary,I haven’t been here in a bit and there’s a great explanation for that – recounting events on a day to day basis is not sustainable. I’m not sure anyone’s life is that interesting, to be honest. To be fair, even protagonists in religious texts had gaps here and there in their stories. So,…

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Giddy Up

Calgary, AB06.07.2019 Hi Diary,There was very little in the way of movement on day 2 owing to the fact that it rained. You’ve known me long enough to understand that rain brings everything to a standstill. Apart from sleep… and copulation. There’s a reason Toto’s lyric, “I bless the rains down in Africa” strikes a…

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Brave New World Part 6 | Austin, Texas: Making Meats End

“Don’t mess with Texas”. I’m not sure where I heard that, or who said it, but there’s something about the line that just sticks with you. No other state/country/locale invites you in a threatening manner. Heck, even France that would be perfect with the “F” word doesn’t let you in with a “don’t fiddle with…

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